EldoradoEd Wrote:After searching I see Gleaken is part of the Advesary circle. I may have to get those books. Does he compare to Jack, that is an integral part, or is he incidental to the series?Glaeken is pretty important to the AC. The RJ books arc out from the Adversary Cycle and they will all be tied back together in the rewrite of nightworld. (If I said that wrong, feel free to correct me.) The AC books are excellent and definitely worth reading
EldoradoEd Wrote:After searching I see Gleaken is part of the Advesary circle. I may have to get those books. Does he compare to Jack, that is an integral part, or is he incidental to the series?
smithers52 Wrote:I see Jack as a guy who lives on the fringes of society and makes his living through unusual means. He certainly has flaws and does things that some of us regular folks would flinch at, but at his heart he's a kind hearted soul. Witness his relationship with Gia and Vicky for example.
Keith the Elder Wrote:It's easy to be kind hearted among those one truly loves. By all accounts, Josef Goebbels and Martin Bormann were the epitome of doting, nurturing parents and kind hearted family men. But outside the home they were cruel, heartless and without any particle of humanity to be recognized.
smithers52 Wrote:That's not quite what I meant.
I meant that while Jack might run a shady business, he's not such a bad person at heart. He's courteous to those around him and helps out like on the train in Hosts.
KRW Wrote:Actually.................. In Hosts, Jack is yelling for anyone that might have a gun to use it so he wouldn't have to pull his. The only reason he helped was because no one else could take that guy down and time was running out. As a matter of fact, those people turned his stomach because they couldn't defend themselves. That was no good deed, that was self preservation.
smithers52 Wrote:Sorry I spilled the beans on that one. Should have posted SPOILERS.
Right, and Jack didn't want to get involved because he would get questioned by police and authorities afterwards. Well it's been some time since I read the novel so my apologies for getting the facts jumbled.
APhew Wrote:Glaeken is the beginning and the end. If you haven't read the AC, then I'm not going to say anymore about him.
The Repairman Jack books are a "spin-off" of the Adversary Cycle. Something that you may not be aware of is that the final Repairman Jack story has already been written (well, except for the minor changes in the upcoming revision). It's the final book of the AC: "Nightworld". There is a really cool timeline for all of this that someone posts once in a while. Maybe somebody will be kind enough to post that again...
EldoradoEd Wrote:After searching I see Gleaken is part of the Advesary circle. I may have to get those books. Does he compare to Jack, that is an integral part, or is he incidental to the series?Since you haven't specifically mentioned it, I must ask whether you have read The Keep. If not, that should be the NEXT thing you read.