I found out information about Japanese edition "THE HAUNTED AIR".
The title is not yet fixed. It's only "Repairman Jack(6)".
Release date: Late October.(Maybe October 30)
Publisher: Fusosha.
Style: Vol.1 & Vol.2.
I got Hosts in January 28, and The Haunted Air is October....the interval is only 9 months! The interval of "All the Rage" and "Hosts" was 2 years and 6 months......
I read THA in English. But of course I buy Japanese edition. This is my favorite RJ novel. I must say it's best one! So I'm looking forward to it.
BTW.......what is Japanese title??? In my guess, it's.....
1, 心なき少女の館(Kokoro naki shojo no yakata)"The House of heartless girl"
2, メネローズ・マノーの怪(Menelaus Manor no kai)"Mystery of Menelaus Manor"
3, 霊媒師の災難(Reibaishi no sainan)"The trouble with scammers"
What do you think about them? My favorite is 1. "Heartless" have two meaning. "No heart" and "cruel".

Well, someday I'll know it!