A drama/thriller, set in a small town in Alabama, about a young boy who longs to escape the misery of his childhood and the misunderstanding of his hometown. A gifted, self-taught, special effects make-up artist, Green dreams of going to Hollywood to make his own monsters. But the real demons of Green's life threaten to hold him back: a drunken stepfather who terrorizes his mother, a group of religious fanatics who want to destroy his work, and the love of a girl who can't let go of small town life.
Not a big bucks flick with famous actors but well done, and a good story. The cast did a great job, especially Kevin Gage as the stepfather. Well done for a low budget movie. Definitely worth renting.
"The nose of a mob is its imagination. By this, at any time, it can be quietly led." - Edgar Allan Poe
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it." - Agent K