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Biggles   06-28-2005, 01:05 PM
fpw Wrote:Apparently (I've read) the signature mob hit is two .22s behind the ear.

Supposedly the wise guys like .22s because the bullets bounce around inside the skull and cause more damage, but the problem with a 32-40 grain bullet out of a short-barrelled pistol is that it may actually bounce OFF the skull if it's a glancing blow. I agree that if you are going with a subsonic bullet, you want a heavier one. I would suggest a 95gr in a .380ACP or my preference, a 100+gr in a 9mmMak. You'll get about 950-1000fps at the muzzle, before suppression. I don't know how much the suppressor will slow things down, but I'm guessing 50-75fps?

You really should buy one of the Bulgarian Makarovs they're importing now. I don't know if any East German ones are still available; I bought mine right after the Wall fell down, and it's SWEET!

Here's a thought, BTW: I doubt that any hitters are using Makarovs, other than Russian mafia types, which might offer some cover for an outfit hitter.

"I don't always carry a pistol, but when I do, I prefer an East German Makarov"
jimbow8   06-28-2005, 01:14 PM
Biggles Wrote:Supposedly the wise guys like .22s because the bullets bounce around inside the skull and cause more damage, but the problem with a 32-40 grain bullet out of a short-barrelled pistol is that it may actually bounce OFF the skull if it's a glancing blow.
Is that why they shoot behind the ear - in that soft spot?

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Biggles   06-28-2005, 01:27 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:Is that why they shoot behind the ear - in that soft spot?

Probably, but there's a thick bony area right next to it. I would probably prefer below the base of the skull or under the chin and upward if I were limited to a .22, but Paul would know better than me where to place the shot.

"I don't always carry a pistol, but when I do, I prefer an East German Makarov"
KRW   06-28-2005, 07:17 PM
Biggles Wrote:Probably, but there's a thick bony area right next to it. I would probably prefer below the base of the skull or under the chin and upward if I were limited to a .22, but Paul would know better than me where to place the shot.

You can kill a pig with a .22 in the forehead if you aim one inch above it's eye's. Never tried it, but it should work. Just don't miss or you'll piss the pig off! As far as people, the temple would suffice I'm sure. If you wanted to really get personal, throught the eye.

KRW   06-28-2005, 08:50 PM
Biggles Wrote:A Walther PPK (or clone) fitted with a threaded barrel (available as an after market accessory). The PPK was made in .22LR, .32ACP (7.65mm), and .380ACP (9mm Kurz), all of which are subsonic and easily suppressed. Plus, since the PPK is DA/SA, restriking a hard primer or pulling the hammer back to lighten the first shot trigger pull are both viable options. Finally, the PP/PPK series is very accurate for a pocket pistol. I qualified expert with a PP on the police qualification course on the first try (246/250).

If you want to go just a bit bigger, I would use an East German Makarov in 9mm Mak. The bullet is just subsonic, as powerful as you can go in a blowback pistol, threaded barrels are easily obtained, and the DA pull is far smoother and lighter than the PP/PPK.
Finally, the Mak is so accurate that I don't even practice torso shots any more, only head shots. My Mak would be my weapon of choice for any hit. For that matter, I believe that Magsafe and Glaser both make frangibles for it, and if they don't, you can swap out barrels to convert it to .380ACP.

Just my opinion. I've never ACTUALLY whacked anybody (yet). Big Grin

I'll give my 2 cents about the Makarov. Love that gun! Small enough for an sob or under the arm holster, very accurate out of the box, and a hard hitting little round. Never a problem with it and always the funnest to shoot. (except for the .444) But Jake would need the .444 before Jack sooooo...

Ken Valentine   06-29-2005, 01:38 AM
jimbow8 Wrote:Is that why they shoot behind the ear - in that soft spot?

Probably trying to hit the ear canal. The thinnest part of the skull it the temple.

Ken V.
Ken Valentine   06-29-2005, 02:03 AM
fpw Wrote:Any suggestions for a small-caliber semi-auto (.22 maybe?) pistol for close-up kills that can be fitted with a suppressor? (And not the P-98 used in ATR).

How important is the size of the pistol? And what about ditching the silencer?

If I were doing it, I would use the Hi-Standard Supermatic.

You see that angled protrusion sticking out from the front of the frame underneath the barrel? If you push that button in with the slide locked back, you can just lift the barrel off of the frame. (Which is how you disassemble it for cleaning. And also makes it easy to machine the barrel for the silencer . . . no bench vises or barrel wrenches needed.) Remove the regular barrel, install the silenced barrel -- ten seconds or less. That includes sticking the first barrel in your pocket and removing the silenced barrel from another pocket.

You would want Wolff's heavy recoil spring for the slide. But then, if you -- or somebody -- wants too, you/he can hold the slide closed with a thumb to lessen the report even more. Also, if it's done this way, and it's just one shot, there's no brass left behind.

Ken V.

P.S. The reason it's called "military," is because it has the same grip angle as the .45 government model.
This post was last modified: 06-29-2005, 02:07 AM by Ken Valentine.
Ken Valentine   06-29-2005, 02:11 AM
law dawg Wrote:Since you are going to be supressing the shot it will, by definition, be slower,

Give me a break. Rolleyes

Ken V.
law dawg   06-29-2005, 02:24 AM
Ken Valentine Wrote:Give me a break. Rolleyes

Ken V.
Am I wrong, oh swami of all things pistol?
maxplay   06-29-2005, 08:05 PM
If it has to be silenced, I'd go with the previously recommended Ruger Mark II. The Mossad (Israeli Secret Service) purportedly uses this gun for close-quarters extermination, aiming for the eyes. The Mafia did (does?) use a .22 for executions. The bullets usually deform enough to make ballistic matching difficult or impossible. They would use a revolver, like the S&W Kit Gun, so they wouldn't have to hunt for the ejected cases (rimfire cases can be matched to the firing pin of the gun that fired it). Unless using a silencer is critical to the story, I would go with the Smith & Wesson.

Always Play the Max!
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