New FPW story in "Small Bites" - Printable Version

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New FPW story in "Small Bites" - Kev The Brit - 07-27-2004

Hi all, just to let you know, that a new anthology called SMALL BITES , edited by Garrett Peck and featuring 500-word horror stories on the theme of people being eaten is due to be published later this year. It is divided into Zombies, Animal Attacks and Were-Creatures. It will be published by a new Canadian company called Coscom, and features storylets by Graham Masterton, Rick Hautala, Matt Costello, F. Paul Wilson, Tim Lebbon and others. It should be available as an e-book and also as a trade paperback through all the usual online distributors and major bookstores. It will be in aid of providing funds for anthologist Charles L Grant in an effort to alleviate his crippling medical bills. I know no more than this at the moment - , so unless FPW can advise further, I'll get back to you all as soon as I know more.. Laters, kevin

New FPW story in "Small Bites" - SteveBlack - 07-27-2004

Thanks Kev - keep us posted eh??


New FPW story in "Small Bites" - Biggles - 07-27-2004

Kev The Brit Wrote:Hi all, just to let you know, that a new anthology called SMALL BITES , edited by Garrett Peck and featuring 500-word horror stories on the theme of people being eaten is due to be published later this year. It is divided into Zombies, Animal Attacks and Were-Creatures. It will be published by a new Canadian company called Coscom, and features storylets by Graham Masterton, Rick Hautala, Matt Costello, F. Paul Wilson, Tim Lebbon and others. It should be available as an e-book and also as a trade paperback through all the usual online distributors and major bookstores. It will be in aid of providing funds for anthologist Charles L Grant in an effort to alleviate his crippling medical bills. I know no more than this at the moment - , so unless FPW can advise further, I'll get back to you all as soon as I know more.. Laters, kevin


You KNOW I'll be wanting one of those, so keep me posted.

New FPW story in "Small Bites" - fpw - 07-27-2004

Um, I haven't written my story yet. So busy I might not get around to it.

New FPW story in "Small Bites" - Biggles - 07-27-2004

fpw Wrote:Um, I haven't written my story yet. So busy I might not get around to it.

:confused: So, if you don't get around to writing it, will that make it even more rare and collectible? Now I really want a copy! :confused:

New FPW story in "Small Bites" - Kev The Brit - 07-29-2004

fpw Wrote:Um, I haven't written my story yet. So busy I might not get around to it.

FPW - Sorry, it was not my intention to cause you hassle about this - I just saw it mentioned on the net, and as I had seen no mention on this forum, thought I would spread the news..........Apologies. Kevin

New FPW story in "Small Bites" - Biggles - 07-29-2004

Kev The Brit Wrote:FPW - Sorry, it was not my intention to cause you hassle about this - I just saw it mentioned on the net, and as I had seen no mention on this forum, thought I would spread the news..........Apologies. Kevin

Why are you Brits so damned apologetic? It's not like you meant anything by it. It's not like we're all gonna start pestering Paul to get that story written. Especially me. I SHOULD be working on an appellate brief right now, but instead I'm drinking Czech beer, ordering a pizza, and writing this email.

But seriously, let us know if you DO get around to writing that story, Paul. Because we "completists" (and we know who we are, don't we Scott) will have to get copies of it. Big Grin

New FPW story in "Small Bites" - fpw - 07-29-2004

Knocked it out this a.m. "The Tapeworm Letters." I hope someone catches the allusion.

New FPW story in "Small Bites" - Scott Hajek - 07-29-2004

fpw Wrote:Knocked it out this a.m. "The Tapeworm Letters." I hope someone catches the allusion.

ala C.S. Lewis? or do you refer to "The Fleetwood Correspondence"?

As always, I'm looking forward to this one.

New FPW story in "Small Bites" - Biggles - 07-29-2004

fpw Wrote:Knocked it out this a.m. "The Tapeworm Letters." I hope someone catches the allusion.

Good for you! Another book I'll have to buy. BTW, I just turned a young prosecutor with libertarian views onto The LaNague Chronicles. He just finished the paperback I loaned him, and I think he's a new fan. Next I'll loan him my paperback of The Keep and get him started on the AC. (No way will I loan out my cherished first editions).