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Reborn (some spoilers) - Bawp - 12-07-2004

Well I just finished Reborn last night, thanks to Dave, who kindly sent me a copy (thanks Dave!). I can't wait to get started on Reprisal much stuff is set up in Reborn so it's gonna be cool to see how it all comes together in the next book.

It felt different to the other FPW I've read...more episodic I think than the others, almost like a prologue to Reprisal I guess. For the first time I felt aware that I was reading a part in a series, as opposed to a stand alone (The Keep, The Touch, The Tomb and Nightworld all stand apart pretty well in my mind). And I can't help but wonder if that damn journalist is going to get his comeuppance - logically I guess he shouldn't because he did Molasar a favour, but still. What an ass. And I'm curious to see if Nicky makes a reappearance, 'cos of all of the characters I found myself growing quite fond of him. And I liked Jim too. Too bad. Sad I honestly didn't see that coming...
I disliked Martin a lot though, so I hope something bad does happen to him. :mad:

Oooh and Carol's dreams nasty were they? I wonder if Jim used to have similar dreams - it mentions he always felt aggressive but nothing about the dreams, so it would appear Molasar has a stronger effect on Carol than he did Jim. Anyway I'm off to start Reprisal now! Cool

Reborn (some spoilers) - Maggers - 12-07-2004

Bawp Wrote:Well I just finished Reborn last night, thanks to Dave, who kindly sent me a copy (thanks Dave!). I can't wait to get started on Reprisal much stuff is set up in Reborn so it's gonna be cool to see how it all comes together in the next book.

It felt different to the other FPW I've read...more episodic I think than the others, almost like a prologue to Reprisal I guess. For the first time I felt aware that I was reading a part in a series, as opposed to a stand alone (The Keep, The Touch, The Tomb and Nightworld all stand apart pretty well in my mind). And I can't help but wonder if that damn journalist is going to get his comeuppance - logically I guess he shouldn't because he did Molasar a favour, but still. What an ass. And I'm curious to see if Nicky makes a reappearance, 'cos of all of the characters I found myself growing quite fond of him. And I liked Jim too. Too bad. Sad I honestly didn't see that coming...
I disliked Martin a lot though, so I hope something bad does happen to him. :mad:

Oooh and Carol's dreams nasty were they? I wonder if Jim used to have similar dreams - it mentions he always felt aggressive but nothing about the dreams, so it would appear Molasar has a stronger effect on Carol than he did Jim. Anyway I'm off to start Reprisal now! Cool

Glad you're enjoying the series! Fasten your seatbelt! "Reprisal" has some AWESOME happenings!!!!

Reborn (some spoilers) - SteveBlack - 12-07-2004

Maggers Wrote:Glad you're enjoying the series! Fasten your seatbelt! "Reprisal" has some AWESOME happenings!!!!

I agree with you Maggers! Reprisal is my fave fpw book

Reborn (some spoilers) - fpw - 12-08-2004

Proofing Reborn for Borderlands. Found a Black Wind reference.

Reborn (some spoilers) - Maggers - 12-08-2004

fpw Wrote:Proofing Reborn for Borderlands. Found a Black Wind reference.

FPW, will you be updating "Nightworld" to include all of RJ's relevant experiences that were not in print when "Nightworld" was first published?

Reborn (some spoilers) - fpw - 12-08-2004

Maggers Wrote:FPW, will you be updating "Nightworld" to include all of RJ's relevant experiences that were not in print when "Nightworld" was first published?

Mais oui. (That's French.) (Sorry.)

Reborn (some spoilers) - Blake - 12-08-2004

fpw Wrote:Proofing Reborn for Borderlands. Found a Black Wind reference.

Ha! I meant to ask you about that and forgot! The self-mutilating monks, right?


Reborn (some spoilers) - Bawp - 12-08-2004

Well I read the first hundred pages of Reborn last night - Nick is back Big Grin I remember now that I did actually start reading this years back (I remember that telephone!) but never finished it for some reason. Probably because I didn't have a clue about what was going on (hadn't read Reborn). :confused: But now I do, and I can actually enjoy it, which I am doing. At this rate I'll be finished by the weekend which is kinda bad 'cos I'm meant to be doing history assignments not reading FPW.

By the way, and excuse my utter, utter ignorance...but what is Black Wind?

Reborn (some spoilers) - Dave - 12-08-2004

Bawp Wrote:By the way, and excuse my utter, utter ignorance...but what is Black Wind?

Oh boy, if I had a spare copy, I'd send it to you Big Grin

It is a stand alone book, set prior and during WW2, around the pacific conflict. A historical romance set in a world of dramatic events, infused with a hint of trademark weird horror.

Great book, one of my faves. And whether conscious or not, it does have undertones of the AC, even though it officially remains seperate.


PS Happy you enjoyed Reborn, the Jim moment just blew me away when I first read it.

Reborn (some spoilers) - fpw - 12-08-2004

Dave Wrote:PS Happy you enjoyed Reborn, the Jim moment just blew me away when I first read it.

Blew away my agent and editor too: "You can't DO that!"

Oh yes I can.