Typos and misprints question for the Man - Printable Version

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Typos and misprints question for the Man - Weatherford - 05-31-2008

[COLOR="Blue"]Do you want us to let you know when we find typos and misprints in the books - especially the new ones?

I've been reading the new editions of the LaNague Chronicles (pb) and found some. Also found some in some of the new RJ novels (ltd edns). I haven't made note of any of them, but might be able to find them again.

Or just keep my eye out for future ones.

I've been an editor as well as writer in my life... :yikes:[/COLOR]

Typos and misprints question for the Man - mad4tunes - 06-01-2008

Weatherford Wrote:[COLOR="Blue"]Do you want us to let you know when we find typos and misprints in the books - especially the new ones?

I've been reading the new editions of the LaNague Chronicles (pb) and found some. Also found some in some of the new RJ novels (ltd edns). I haven't made note of any of them, but might be able to find them again.

Or just keep my eye out for future ones.

I've been an editor as well as writer in my life... :yikes:[/COLOR]

Hmmm...I've always been of the opinion that it's the PUBLISHER'S responsibility to correct stuff like this, and that I should bring it to THEIR attention.

Don't bother the Author...he's Busy Writing!

Typos and misprints question for the Man - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 06-01-2008

mad4tunes Wrote:Hmmm...I've always been of the opinion that it's the PUBLISHER'S responsibility to correct stuff like this, and that I should bring it to THEIR attention.

Don't bother the Author...he's Busy Writing!

nad4tunes, I've been yammering about this every since I've joined the gang. See, I used to proofread for a company called WORDFLOW, and I've kept the careful eye. Like everybody here, I read a lot. And I have never seen one author's books so shot with typos as Paul's are. The new one? I read it fast, of course--gotta see what happens!--and for the first 322 pages, I thought, "Well, good! Gauntlet's proofreader is on the job this time!"

Then the typos came fast and furious.

page 323: "Kickers" is a proper noun, it is spelled with a small 'k'
page 324: "titled" instead of "tilted"
page 329: "ktana" instead of "katana"
page 340: "backs a hers" instead of "backs of hers"
page 354: "an jealous" instead of "a jealous"

And starting to re-read this morning at 5:30 AM, before I launched meself for work at 6:26 AM

page 27: "saced" instead of "sacred"

I mean, jeez, where is this gonna stop? :dontknow:

Paul!--I repeat my offer!--Let me proof the galleys!

Typos and misprints question for the Man - joelfinkle - 06-03-2008

another one: Gauntlet "By the Sword" pg 27, last line
"Kuroika" should be "Kuroikaze"

Typos and misprints question for the Man - fpw - 06-03-2008

Weatherford Wrote:[COLOR="Blue"]Do you want us to let you know when we find typos and misprints in the books - especially the new ones?

I've been reading the new editions of the LaNague Chronicles (pb) and found some. Also found some in some of the new RJ novels (ltd edns). I haven't made note of any of them, but might be able to find them again.

Or just keep my eye out for future ones.

I've been an editor as well as writer in my life... :yikes:[/COLOR]

[SIZE="3"]Alsway gald to here abuto typso. Fier ayaw.[/SIZE]

Typos and misprints question for the Man - Scott Miller - 06-03-2008

fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]Alsway gald to here abuto typso. Fier ayaw.[/SIZE]

I betcha it took awhile to type that.

Typos and misprints question for the Man - joelfinkle - 06-03-2008

BtS Gauntlet ed - pg 63 "guarante"
pg 75 "They see here" should be "They see her"

Typos and misprints question for the Man - cobalt - 06-03-2008

You would think the publisher would want to know that they are messing with a masterpiece here! :dontknow:

Typos and misprints question for the Man - Sean Baron - 06-12-2008

I don't want to seem overly critical here, but Gauntlet has been notoriously poor at proofing prior to publication, and so far By The Sword has been just as bad, if not worse, than all the previous Gauntlet titles...Seems like there's a mistake on every third page.

Typos and misprints question for the Man - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 06-16-2008

Sean Baron Wrote:I don't want to seem overly critical here, but Gauntlet has been notoriously poor at proofing prior to publication, and so far By The Sword has been just as bad, if not worse, than all the previous Gauntlet titles...Seems like there's a mistake on every third page.

But jeez, Sean, Gauntlet is a first-class outfit in every other way. Why can't they get something as elementary as spelling right? It really isn't that hard.