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Question: Aryans and Absinthe - Wapitikev - 04-20-2008

Enjoyed the story. Was extremely informative re: pre WW2 Germany and the rise of Hitler.

[spoiler]Beyond the general spookiness of precognition and the "mysterious stranger who knows too much" and who defeats the protagonists efforts"[/spoiler] what did the story really add to the Adversary Cycle or Jack series that would have FPW list it in the [SIZE="1"]SECRET HISTORY OF THE WORLD[/SIZE] section of the main website? Is there some connection I'm missing?


Question: Aryans and Absinthe - fpw - 04-20-2008

Wapitikev Wrote:what did the story really add to the Adversary Cycle or Jack series that would have FPW list it in the [SIZE="1"]SECRET HISTORY OF THE WORLD[/SIZE] section of the main website? Is there some connection I'm missing?
[SIZE="3"]A character whose carry-over (sort of) will hint at a lot of the motivation in "Aryans..."

Is that sufficiently oblique?[/SIZE]

Question: Aryans and Absinthe - Wapitikev - 04-21-2008

fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]A character whose carry-over (sort of) will hint at a lot of the motivation in "Aryans..."

Is that sufficiently oblique?[/SIZE]

Yes. I thought it would be one of those "just you wait and see" things.

I have faith that all will become clear as I read further in months and years to come.

Thanx, FPW


Question: Aryans and Absinthe - Anders Monsen - 04-22-2008

More importantly, what's the story on the new collection... ?

Question: Aryans and Absinthe - Barry Lee Dejasu - 04-22-2008

And I figure the stories in Douglas Winter's Revelations are pretty independent of each other, but would you, FPW, suggest reading them all in order, as a collective novel? I plan on reading it all sometime anyway, but even so, thought I'd ask.

Question: Aryans and Absinthe - fpw - 04-22-2008

Barry Lee Dejasu Wrote:And I figure the stories in Douglas Winter's Revelations are pretty independent of each other, but would you, FPW, suggest reading them all in order, as a collective novel? I plan on reading it all sometime anyway, but even so, thought I'd ask.

[SIZE="3"]Any order will do, although you might want to read the first three before the others.[/SIZE]

Question: Aryans and Absinthe - fpw - 04-22-2008

Anders Monsen Wrote:More importantly, what's the story on the new collection... ?

[SIZE="3"]I believe Aftershock & Others is scheded for Jan '09.[/SIZE]

Question: Aryans and Absinthe - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 04-22-2008

fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]I believe Aftershock & Others is scheded for Jan '09.[/SIZE]

Excellent news!

Question: Aryans and Absinthe - cobalt - 04-22-2008

fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]I believe Aftershock & Others is scheded for Jan '09.[/SIZE]

Oh goodie!.....*smiling and jumping about*

Question: Aryans and Absinthe - Anders Monsen - 04-23-2008

fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]I believe Aftershock & Others is scheded for Jan '09.[/SIZE]

Yay! That's good news indeed.