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RJ Products Designs - JF1ID - 07-29-2004

Greetings and salutations... I'm partial to number one myself, even though the graphic of Jack does look sort of out of bodily proportion somehow (chicken-necked?)... I always thought he was wearing an over sized barn coat, or something... anyhow, I liked Kenji's idea of a pair of eyes in the background, mebbe above the skyline.

When are these products gonna be released? I've only wanted a Repairman Jack t-shirt since I was a 15 year old hood(1985). Big Grin Believe me, I'll definately be buying a couple.

RJ Products Designs - Animagess - 07-29-2004

In order of preference, best to least favorite: 3, 2 1.

Three looks the most dynamic and aesthetically pleasing to me; maybe it's the shape. Anyway, that's my pick.

Ooh... artistic endevours... makes my spine tingle. Who is involved with this project? Very neat. Can't wait for the t-shirts to come out, if that's what's being planned.

RJ Products Designs - Ken Valentine - 07-30-2004

DaveStrorm Wrote:Come on! Admit it! You're the mysterious designer behind the silhouette. Big Grin

Actually, I noticed that the first time I saw it on a book jacket. To paraphrase Elaine from Seinfeld, he looks like a walking candy apple. I still like it, I just think his neck is too thin or something.

I think of this as a blacked-out image from a photo.

Think of it as being taken with the camera looking up at a fairly high angle, and the subject is turned diagonally toward the camera. The subject is leaning slightly to his left as though he has either picked up, or is about to put down, a heavy suitcase. The subject is also wearing a heavy coat.

Any other opinions? Analysis? Comments?

Ken V.

RJ Products Designs - Dave - 07-30-2004

Scott Hajek Wrote:Huhn?:confused:

Your use of 'All around' seemed to be mimicking my use of 'All around', hence making me think I may have used it incorrectly and you were taking the mickey.

Less confused? Rolleyes


RJ Products Designs - fpw - 07-30-2004

JF1ID Wrote:Jack t-shirt since I was a 15 year old hood(1985). Big Grin Believe me, I'll definately be buying a couple.

Fairly soon, I think. The Queens are in charge.

See that little "Comments" box on the About page? Via that box I'm bombarded with requests for T-shirts, caps, etc. I've ignored them because I've never wanted this to be a commercial site and I don't want the hassle. Then someone turned me on to a site that offers a sort of latch-key operation: You submit the design and they 1) make the products, 2) display them, 3) fill orders and handle all transactions.


And yes, they offer thongs, and I couldn't resist the idea of an RJ thong. Can't wait to try one on.

RJ Products Designs - fpw - 07-30-2004

fpw Wrote:And yes, they offer thongs, and I couldn't resist the idea of an RJ thong. Can't wait to try one on.

Did I say that?

RJ Products Designs - nonsun blob a - 07-30-2004

i don't like number three, and the claw marks seem really off in number one. They look like they're on his shoulder.

RJ Products Designs - Scott Hajek - 07-30-2004

Dave Wrote:Your use of 'All around' seemed to be mimicking my use of 'All around', hence making me think I may have used it incorrectly and you were taking the mickey.

Less confused? Rolleyes


Yes. And no. I'm less confused about the post, but still generally confused. You should know that by now.

Anyway, I just meant I agreed with your complete post in all aspects.

RJ Products Designs - Dave - 07-30-2004

Scott Hajek Wrote:Anyway, I just meant I agreed with your complete post in all aspects.

Figured as much, just thought confusing you with some pithy Britishisms would be fun. I'm having a riot. You? Hehehe.


RJ Products Designs - Scott Hajek - 07-30-2004

Dave Wrote:Figured as much, just thought confusing you with some pithy Britishisms would be fun. I'm having a riot. You? Hehehe.


So, can I tell you to "pith off"?

And, yes, I'm having some good laughs. I'll admit, I don't get all the British slang, but I'd like to try.

Scott ("cornfused" as alway)