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Best Television Ensemble Casts - Scott Hajek - 07-21-2005

Everybody Loves Raymond

I disagree with Friends. While a very entertaining show, David Schwimmer was a weak link and quite irritating for way too long.

Best Television Ensemble Casts - jimbow8 - 07-22-2005

Blake Wrote:I'll reiterate what I said in the last thread:

M*A*S*H (especially the early seasons)
Barney Miller

Others have made good suggestions here, too. I haven't seen Barney Miller in ages. Does Nick-at-Nite or one of those stations still show it? I especially loved Nick (Jack Soo): "Oh my God, I ate my eraser!" Smile And the episode where they eat the hash-laced brownies is a classic episode of any TV series, not just that one.

They had some episodes of BM on the free part of ON-Demand for a while, don't know if they still do.

My fave episode was when Steve Landesberg beat the lie detector test while telling it that he was from Mars.

Best Television Ensemble Casts - Anders Monsen - 07-22-2005

Scott Hajek Wrote:I disagree with Friends. While a very entertaining show, David Schwimmer was a weak link and quite irritating for way too long.

I second that, but only because Jennifer Anniston makes me want to puke.

Best Television Ensemble Casts - Blake - 07-22-2005

jimbow8 Wrote:My fave episode was when Steve Landesberg beat the lie detector test while telling it that he was from Mars.

Ha! I forgot about that one. Dietrich was another of my favorite characters. I liked the one where he was telling the guy on a hunger strike about "breatharians". The guy finally decides to end his strike and asks for a donut, at which point Dietrich says, "You just had some air!" Smile


Best Television Ensemble Casts - Keith the Elder - 07-22-2005

Blake Wrote:Ha! I forgot about that one. Dietrich was another of my favorite characters. I liked the one where he was telling the guy on a hunger strike about "breatharians". The guy finally decides to end his strike and asks for a donut, at which point Dietrich says, "You just had some air!" Smile


When 2 cops bring in the atomic bomb, BM and the gang decide to leave it out because Dietrich will never know what it is. Dietrich walks in, says, "Where'd you get the atomic bomb?"

After Fish finds out the brownies hat pot in them, "the first time I feel good in years and it's illegal"

Anytime the "Old Inspector" showed up.

Maybe a Barney Miller Thread should be started.

And now back to our sponser:

Homicide, Life on the Street

Best Television Ensemble Casts - fpw - 07-22-2005

No one's mentioned Taxi. Great ensemble.

And here I show my age: The Honeymooners.

The chemistry between Gleason, Carney, and Joyce Meadows was perfect. No one has ever done a slow burn like Jackie Gleason (e.g. the "Blabbermouth" episode). Jason Alexander tried to work some of Ralph Kramden into his George persona but never came close -- trying for lightning, ending up with a lightning bug.

Never liked Lucy or any others from that era, but I can still watch The Honeymooners and crack up.

And let's not forget the original Not Ready for Prime Time Players.

Best Television Ensemble Casts - Terry Willacker - 07-22-2005

Bob Newhart Show
Family Ties
Deep Space Nine
Babylon 5
Star Trek - original series
Mary Tyler Moore Show
Fawlty Towers
Still Standing

Best Television Ensemble Casts - Terry Willacker - 07-22-2005

and Buffy! Can't believe I left it out.

Best Television Ensemble Casts - Maggers - 07-22-2005

fpw Wrote:And here I show my age: The Honeymooners.

I don't know why, but "The Honeymooners" has always given me the creeps, big time. Could not watch it then; can't watch it now. It actually upsets me.

Best Television Ensemble Casts - remylass - 07-22-2005

Buffy (minus the awful Dawn)
Angel (early seasons)
The Munsters
Law and Order
Quantum Leap (not really an ensemble, though)