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Saw & Grudge Spoilers!!!!!!!!! - thisisatest - 11-03-2004

Steve D
I searched the board for reviews of these two movies and couldn't find any. Whysup? Well, my galfriend worked the polls last night till 8:00 p.m. so I had like five hours to kill before I picked her up. I went to see The Grudge. I did not care for this movie. Maybe I have to see the other parts to enjoy it, but as a standalone, it lacked an involving storyline and tried to make up for this by going "Boo!" every five minutes. I noticed many teens in the audience covering their ears whenever the movie music stopped, because they knew that a loud blast of music would soon sound as soon as one of the ghosts appeared. By midway in the movie, I was covering my ears too. All the best parts of the movie can be seen in the trailer. Maybe the Japanese version "Ju-On" is better--I will give it a try, but I won't be seeing Grudge II.

The movie Saw, on the other hand (or foot in this instance), was very good (not great, mind you, but good). It was a horror whodunnit. And I won't give away the ending, but the ending really made up for all the loose ends at the movie's finale. In this case a Saw II is definitely in order, but I hope they (the Hollywood Greedmeisters) don't turn this into a Friday The 13th-like franchise. The writing would have to be way, way above par to carry this franchise past Saw II. And Hollywood's so hungry for a new Freddy or Jason that they just might squeeze one sequel too many from this nice little thriller.
See Saw! (Sorry, but it had to be said).

Oh, I'm sure you probably figured this out by now. Yes, I did sneak into the second movie. Don't any of you kids try this at home.

Saw & Grudge Spoilers!!!!!!!!! - jimbow8 - 11-10-2004

I saw Grudge last weekend and liked the atmosphere but had no idea WHY anything was happening. I read this blurb about the original Ju-On today. Correct me if I'm wrong, but none of this was mentioned in the American version.

Some years back, a husband, obsessed with his wife's love for another man (a teacher), came home and brutally murdered her and their son. Concerned about the boy's absence from school, the teacher came by the house, where he bumped into the slain woman's ghost. The teacher then dropped dead of a heart attack and joined the ghosts of the woman and young boy. From that point on, a curse was passed to any future tenants of the house where the deaths occurred. The police are baffled, and the trail leads back to Detective Toyama (Misa Uehara), the ex-investigator who handled the initial murder case. But there seems to be no way to break the chain of evil….

Saw & Grudge Spoilers!!!!!!!!! - mike36799 - 11-11-2004

Grudge- HATED IT!! Not a well made movie. I feel like they are trying to cash in on getting people to see Grudge 2. I think it's so stupid when you make a movie, and it doesn't end. It's just another scam to increase your profits. I could have sat at a blank wall for 2 hours, and had more entertainment.

Saw- Just saw it, It was moderate. The movie was pretty far fetched, and took a lot of confusing turns towards the end. But in all fairness at least the stupid movie ended. That made me give them a few desparity points. Other than that, Saw wasn't a really scary movie, more Twisted, which happens to be the movie's production name.... Go figure.

Saw & Grudge Spoilers!!!!!!!!! - nonsun blob a - 11-16-2004

i thought saw was one of the worst movies i've ever seen. It left me feeling like i'd just eaten an expensive french dinner that didn't fill me up. It creeped me out, scared me, did what i suppose a horror movie should, but the plot was terrible. Nothing was explained. Why was the murderer wearing a pig mask? Why was the actual murderer lieing in blood on the floor of the bathroom? How did they not see him breathing? What was the point of the puppet? Was all of that to freak you out or just because the actual murderer was insane? And why didn't Lawrence say anything about true love or a time-nurtured immunity to saws? It was a horribly undeveloped story in my opinion. Don't see saw! You'd be better off seeing the god damn sponge bob movie.

Saw & Grudge Spoilers!!!!!!!!! - Kenji - 02-10-2005

At last, Ju-on; The Grudge, we(Japanese) can see it from tomorrow in Japan. For the movie's publicity, Sarah Michelle Gellar visited to Japan. Next film is preview event in Tokyo.

Sarah in Tokyo

In my schedule, I'll go to see it next Thursday. So after I saw it, I'll post my opinion.

Saw & Grudge Spoilers!!!!!!!!! - Sam - 02-10-2005

The Grudge was directed by the same guy who directed Ju-On. From what I can recall of Ju-On, The Grudge was done pretty much the same way except for a few changes and new scenes. As for scare factor I thought The Grudge was better. The shifts in time and events were the same in both films, causing confusion. Pretty much the same movie.

Saw & Grudge Spoilers!!!!!!!!! - Sam - 02-16-2005


Watched Saw tonight...would have been better if you had more clues as to the killer. How can you call it a whodunnit film if you don't give the viewers the clues they need?? The orderly was too obvious to be the killer and if you watched closely you saw(no pun intended) the penlight in Jigsaw's hand when he was in the hospital bed. Still, I had no other choice but to believe it was the orderly. The plot was too intricate to be real but it was fun. The last 15 minutes of the film was great though. Cary Elwes has always been one of my fav actors. Glad to see him getting some work.

Saw & Grudge Spoilers!!!!!!!!! - fpw - 02-17-2005

Watched Saw last night. Obviously influenced by Seven and likely inspired by that climber who amputated his own arm in 2003. Sure it's got Hummer-size plot holes and requires major suspension of disbelief, but I don't think I could have come up with that scenario. In fact I'm pretty damn sure I couldn't. And that's what makes me admire certain films / stories. I find it more interesting when I can think, I never would have thought of that.

Flawed, yes, but pretty damn diabolical.

Saw & Grudge Spoilers!!!!!!!!! - Marc - 02-17-2005

fpw Wrote:Watched Saw last night.

I assume you got this through Netflix? I have it in queue for months but currently it's listed as Very Long Wait.

Sadly my film-watching experience last night wasn't as enjoyable. I'd been wanting to see Watcher in the Woods for years since I remember it being really scary as a kid. Almost twenty years later it ain't such a good movie. It isn't scary, the acting is pretty bad (the main actress is constantly grinning which makes her look like a horse on speed) and it has a plot thinner than tissue paper.

Saw & Grudge Spoilers!!!!!!!!! - fpw - 02-17-2005

Marc B. Wrote:I assume you got this through Netflix? I have it in queue for months but currently it's listed as Very Long Wait.

No, I picked it up at Blockbuster because it had been recced by a number of people.