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Equilibrium - Samus - 01-05-2005

In my opinion this movie went by unnoticed, any fan of sci-fi/action films should give it a shot. I first saw this movie in the theatre prior to the release of Matrix Reloaded and was blown away. Most of the audience leaving that show trumped it as a Matrix-killer and i would have to agree.

Equilibrium - KRW - 01-05-2005

Samus Wrote:In my opinion this movie went by unnoticed, any fan of sci-fi/action films should give it a shot. I first saw this movie in the theatre prior to the release of Matrix Reloaded and was blown away. Most of the audience leaving that show trumped it as a Matrix-killer and i would have to agree.

The first time I watched this movie was last New Years Eve about five in the morning! I made it through the first half hour and then passed out! But it was stuck in my head, so a few days later I found it used at Hollywood video for ten bucks. Needless to say, this movie is now one of my favorites! I try and get people to watch it any chance I get. Big Grin

By the way, Welcome to the board!


Equilibrium - the Oracle - 01-05-2005

Yes... That movie ROCKS! I wanna find a dojo that trains gun-kata!


And, Welcome to the board too!


Equilibrium - Sam - 01-05-2005

Definitely underrated. Watched it when first released to stores and was surprised to say the least. Bale's first battle in the darkened room was killer. 1984 meets The Matrix.

Equilibrium - the Oracle - 01-06-2005

Christian Bale is way COo.oOL... Ever since that Spielberg flick where he is a kid, I knew he was gonna be a star!

Anyone see American Psycho? That movie is killer (no pun intended).

And, he is good in Shaft too. The only one I didn't like too much (it was okay) was that dragon movie with Matt McConau-something-er-other...

I heard he is gonna star in Batman Begins! That should be AWESOME!!!

Have you peeps seen him in anything else?? What do you think of Mr. Bale?



Equilibrium - Maggers - 01-06-2005

the Oracle Wrote:Christian Bale is way COo.oOL... Ever since that Spielberg flick where he is a kid, I knew he was gonna be a star!

Anyone see American Psycho? That movie is killer (no pun intended).

And, he is good in Shaft too. The only one I didn't like too much (it was okay) was that dragon movie with Matt McConau-something-er-other...

I heard he is gonna star in Batman Begins! That should be AWESOME!!!

Have you peeps seen him in anything else?? What do you think of Mr. Bale?



I'm a big fan of Christian Bale, so I will have to check out "Equilibirum." Thanks for the head's up.

"Empire of the Sun" is on my top 20 list of favorites, and little Christian Bale was fantastic.

I liked "Reign of Fire," dragons and all, with Matthew McConaughey (yeah, tough name to spell!).

And "American Psycho" was wildly evil.

Has anyone seen "The Machinist?" It came and went in a hearbeat in NYC, and I missed it. He lost about a zillion pounds to play the part...scary!

Equilibrium - Keith the Elder - 01-06-2005

Christian Bale was also in Swing Kids, set in WW2 Germany

The soundtrack rules

keith the elder

Equilibrium - Kenji - 01-08-2005

I have a interesting story.

Today, I wanted to see this movie, Equilibrium, so I went to video rental store. Japanese pronunciation of "Equilibrium" is "Ikuwariburium(I'm not sure, but I thought it's okay)". So I asked employee, "Excuse me, I'm looking for Ikuwaribrium".

The employee searched it by PC. Then he said, "We haven't Ikuwariburium. Sorry".

I said "No way! this is new video, and already released it in market"
Employee said,"But we haven't it...."

So I got back to home, and I checked it by my PC. Now I realized it. Why video rental store hasn't it...

Japanese title was NOT Equilibrium. The title was "Rebellion". How could I know! Rolleyes

Equilibrium - fpw - 01-08-2005

I found Equilibrium a very pleasant surprise. The story was cliched (very Brave New World-ish), but I did like the idea that this is what you get when you pursue political correctness to its logical conclusion. The gun-kata and the final duel were amazing. It's better than Matrix 2&3 but I skipped it in theaters because I assumed (and rightly so) that Miramax was simply trying to cash in on The Matrix. The film was done in, I think, by that commonly held perception plus the awful, blah, dull, drab title.

Equilibrium - bkwormonthenet - 01-11-2005

I, too, was pleasantly surprised by this one. I find that those little gems of a film you discover unexpectedly are a real delight. I liked this one a lot better than any of the three MATRIX films, probably because it is so much more probable than the MATRIX scenario.

I also liked the TV movie of BRAVE NEW WORLD, which FPW mentions as a thematic cousin to this film, which is true, of course, and preceded it.

Anyone notice that Father in EQUILIBRIUM was played by Sean Pertwee? He is the son of Jon Pertwee, the actor who played The Doctor on DOCTOR WHO in his third incarnation, from 1970-1974.

As for those unexpected discoveries I mentioned, I have always had a fondness for THE HIDDEN since I saw it very, very late one night on TV.
