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Midnight Mass (the book NOT the movie) - Medusa - 12-08-2004

I LOVED the book Midnight Mass but was very disappointed with the movie. It was so bad I could only watch 30 minutes or so before turning off the DVD player and tossing the DVD in the garbage. Is there any chance that it might be done again the RIGHT way? Done right, it would make a great movie!

Midnight Mass (the book NOT the movie) - APhew - 12-08-2004

I guess it depends on how you go in to the movie. I followed it's development from when it was first announced, from it's premier at a Fangoria convention (which I read about, I wasn't there), right up until it's release on DVD. I knew from the get-go that it was a low-budget film directed by someone who had mainly performed make-up and effects in the past. So, I guess my expectations were as low as they could go.

I actually enjoyed the film because of this. Especially F. Pauls part, top-notch acting there, I see a second career rearing it's head. (wipes off nose) It didn't follow the story word for word and some of the acting was abysmal, but overall it wasn't that bad to me. With what they had to work with, I think they did a very comendable job.

The movie was based on the original novella/short story "Midnight Mass" and not the full-blown book that came out recently.

Would I like to see it remade with a bigger budget and a top-notch cast? Sure! But for what it was, "Midnight Mass" was plain low-budget fun for me. I've seen A LOT worse. Crap, even Carpenter ended up destroying John Steakley's novel "Vampire$", due to budget cut-backs. You work with what you got.

Midnight Mass (the book NOT the movie) - Medusa - 12-08-2004

You are right about John Carpenter's Vampires but the Sequel to that was even worse! Jon Bon Jovi?

Midnight Mass (the book NOT the movie) - flyboy707 - 12-08-2004

I couldn't stomach the movie either, it was worse than "The Keep"......if you can believe that !! (Side note: I own a copy of "The Keep" and recently watched it again...ugh to me).

I liked "Vampires" the book and only like the movie slightly more than "Midnight Mass".

It's because of those movies, that I have a subconscious fear of any RJ movie....I'd hate to see "them" (aka Hollywood) ruin that for us as well.

Also, does any one remember that hoakie late-80s TV show "The Equalizer"? It always seem to me that it was a body copy of RJ veiled in bad TV.

Midnight Mass (the book NOT the movie) - Blake - 12-08-2004

Medusa Wrote:You are right about John Carpenter's Vampires but the Sequel to that was even worse! Jon Bon Jovi?

There was a sequel to Vampires? I wasn't aware of that. Do tell!


Midnight Mass (the book NOT the movie) - Medusa - 12-09-2004

It was called Vampires: Los Muertas (or something like that - my spanish isn't good). It starred Jon Bon Jovi as the Vampire killer - can you stomach that!

And yes, the Keep was really bad too. The book was awesome. I've read all the RJ's and loved them all!

The Select was pretty good too. I just got The Barrens and Others but haven't read it yet.

Midnight Mass (the book NOT the movie) - Maggers - 12-09-2004

Medusa Wrote:I just got The Barrens and Others but haven't read it yet.

"The Barrens and Others" is one of my favorites. Enjoy! And look for links to other stories.

Midnight Mass (the book NOT the movie) - jamedog - 12-10-2004

Medusa Wrote:It was called Vampires: Los Muertas (or something like that - my spanish isn't good). It starred Jon Bon Jovi as the Vampire killer - can you stomach that!

And yes, the Keep was really bad too. The book was awesome. I've read all the RJ's and loved them all!

The Select was pretty good too. I just got The Barrens and Others but haven't read it yet.

News Flash! theres a third Vampires film coming out called Vampires: The Temple of Blood. Who was the genius that greenlit that. On a unrelated note, I haven't read Midnight Mass yet( I'm currently knee deep in the Conan series and Dean Koontz's Phantoms) but I heard it was great and I'm considering buying the movie, is it worth it?

Midnight Mass (the book NOT the movie) - cyber-jack - 12-10-2004

Medusa Wrote:It was called Vampires: Los Muertas (or something like that - my spanish isn't good). It starred Jon Bon Jovi as the Vampire killer - can you stomach that!

And yes, the Keep was really bad too. The book was awesome. I've read all the RJ's and loved them all!

The Select was pretty good too. I just got The Barrens and Others but haven't read it yet.

This movie was on TNT or USA or some damn cable channel the other day at like 7:00 AM. I watched about 30 minutes of it before losing my breakfast. It was horrible as was JBJ. With his pasty white skin, he should have been one of the vampires!