I have it in my sweaty mits... - Printable Version

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I have it in my sweaty mits... - Paul R - 04-07-2004

Midnight Mass arrived today, courtesy of Amazon. As soon as I finish 'Harry And Ida Swap Teeth' I'll hurl myself into it. Oh they joys of a new FPW book! But that's not the only FPW connection to come my way this week. I've booked a guy to come and tune our piano. And he goes by the name of... Paul Wilson! Ha! Dropping the first initial doesn't fool me! I'll have a big stack of books awaiting your signiture - just as long as you tune the piano first! Big Grin

I have it in my sweaty mits... - Biggles - 04-07-2004

Paul R Wrote:Midnight Mass arrived today, courtesy of Amazon. As soon as I finish 'Harry And Ida Swap Teeth' I'll hurl myself into it. Oh they joys of a new FPW book! But that's not the only FPW connection to come my way this week. I've booked a guy to come and tune our piano. And he goes by the name of... Paul Wilson! Ha! Dropping the first initial doesn't fool me! I'll have a big stack of books awaiting your signiture - just as long as you tune the piano first! Big Grin

I don't know how musical our (F) Paul Wilson is, but I'll bet he can't tuna fish, much less a piano, although I hear he's almost into karaoki.

I have it in my sweaty mits... - Ken Valentine - 04-07-2004

Biggles Wrote:I don't know how musical our (F) Paul Wilson is, but I'll bet he can't tuna fish, much less a piano, although I hear he's almost into karaoki.

Forget piano tuning! If you really want to get rich these days, what you have to do is to become a Nuclear Physicist, a Brain Surgeon, and repair Automatic Transmissions on the side.

Ken V.