Worst Movies of All Time (in your opinion) - Printable Version

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Worst Movies of All Time (in your opinion) - NewYorkjoe - 09-19-2013

A lot of folks are quick to state their favorites, but what films did you absolutely despise (by genre)? Granted, "The Keep" did not live up to the novel, but it was far from the worst.

Me first:

Science Fiction: "Maximum Overdrive." (Steven King is turning in his grave. But, he's alive. This will kill him!)

Western: "The Misouri Breaks" (Marlon Brando in a dress!)

John Wayne: "The Conqueror" (The Duke as Ghengis and Endora as Mom. Shot at an A-bomb test site, this killed a bunch of the cast, eventually.)

That's just off the top of my "head."


Worst Movies of All Time (in your opinion) - fpw - 09-20-2013

"The Keep"

Worst Movies of All Time (in your opinion) - NewYorkjoe - 09-20-2013

It wasn't great, granted, but it was not the worst. I haven't seen it in years, but I'd be willing to see it again.

Worst Movies of All Time (in your opinion) - Lisa - 09-20-2013

So do you want objectively the worst, or simply films that we personally hate? Because there are way, way, way worse movies than Maximum Overdrive. If we're going with the latter (subjective), here's my Trifecta of Movie Hatred:

1. Highlander 2
2. The English Patient
3. Alien 3

Worst Movies of All Time (in your opinion) - rjack_fan - 09-20-2013

I can't sit through The English Patient either!

Eraserhead I just -do not- get. Can't stand it. Won't rewatch it either.

Worst Movies of All Time (in your opinion) - t4terrific - 09-21-2013

Frogs, Transformers, Solo, JCVD,...

Worst Movies of All Time (in your opinion) - fpw - 09-21-2013

Lisa Wrote:1. Highlander 2
2. The English Patient
3. Alien 3

Are these here because they're BAD or because they didn't live up to your expectations?

Worst Movies of All Time (in your opinion) - Lisa - 09-21-2013

fpw Wrote:Are these here because they're BAD or because they didn't live up to your expectations?

As I said... subjective. Although Highlander 2 and arguably Alien 3 are objectively terrible.

Worst Movies of All Time (in your opinion) - Helen - 09-22-2013

Battle Earth (Not Battlefield Earth which was pretty abd in its own right).

Sig got a copy of Battle Earth downrange and watched it. Then sent it to me telling me I had to watch it as it had to be the worst movie he's ever seen. He wasn't lying. Absolutely horrible.

Its a Canadian movie about aliens attacking earth and a squad of Canadian soldiers having to get some device to safety.

Oh and BTW, Sig works with Canadians on a daily basis, he's says they are some of the best and badasses Coalition Forces he has worked with.

Worst Movies of All Time (in your opinion) - rjack_fan - 09-22-2013

I just finished the 2009 remake of The Dunwich Horror. It's pretty bad.