How exactly does one pronounce the name "Lisl" anyway? - Printable Version

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How exactly does one pronounce the name "Lisl" anyway? - madh0us3 - 04-20-2013

I read through Reprisal thinking of it as "Lissle" or "Lizzle" in my head, always wondering how accurate that was.

How exactly does one pronounce the name "Lisl" anyway? - Marc - 04-20-2013

According to babynamespedia it's pronounced "LAYahl" but I thought of it as you did: "Lissle".

How exactly does one pronounce the name "Lisl" anyway? - Lisa - 04-21-2013

The German name Liesl is pronounced exactly how it looks (rhymes with diesel; see: Sound of Music), and it's a nickname of Elizabeth. Not sure if Paul meant Lisl to be pronounced differently, or why he chose that spelling, or what nationality the character is--it's been a while.

How exactly does one pronounce the name "Lisl" anyway? - fpw - 04-21-2013

In my head it's always rhymed with diesel. I came across the name somewhere in the Mesozoic period and it stuck with me.

How exactly does one pronounce the name "Lisl" anyway? - SamH - 04-21-2013

When she discovers poor Ev drunk in the bar, he calls her "Lee-shul" so I always assumed her name rhymed with diesel (when sober, anyway).

How exactly does one pronounce the name "Lisl" anyway? - mores - 05-24-2013

Lisl is short for Elisabeth.
In german you say it a little like "diesel", except that you try to go directly from the soft "s" to the "l".
Diesel Lisl is the best one can do when in "english mode".