AN ENEMY OF THE STATE ebooks - Printable Version

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AN ENEMY OF THE STATE ebooks - fpw - 07-01-2012

The Kindle folks converted the old .pdf files of the LaNage novels for me in return for an exclusive on them. The period of exclusivity is done and so now I'm expanding distribution. DYDEETOWN WORLD has been up for a while, and now AN ENEMY OF THE STATE is available for $2.99 in all e-formats HERE. HEALER and WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS to follow soon.

AN ENEMY OF THE STATE ebooks - JSWolf - 07-01-2012

Very nice. Thanks for the heads up. Now we can get these in our preferred format and not have to pay anything to Amazon. Big Grin

AN ENEMY OF THE STATE ebooks - BK Akitas - 07-02-2012

did they permanenty fix that missing pages problem in the Kindle version of EOTS yet? I did the update on my Kindle when they said they fixed it and still had missing pages