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The Artist - LolaRennt - 02-09-2012

I went to see The Artist last night and really enjoyed it. I wasn't sure about seeing a silent movie (mainly because I've never seen one). The relationship between the two main characters is described as a growing romance. I'm not entirely sure that I'd characterize it as a romance. There's an attraction at first, but she lets it go after seeing that the guy is buying jewelry to appease his wife. After that, I'd say her actions are more out of friendship, concern, and a bit of guilt. Just my take on it...

Fun to watch and something that's really different. I'm glad that I saw it in the theater, because I'm not sure it would look the same when condensed to fit my small TV.

The Artist - Dave - 02-09-2012

I liked this too. Saw it with my girlfriend at the London Film Festival last October, and she likes to go into festival films blind (ie not knowing anything about the film). After five minutes she turned to me and whispered 'is this a silent film?' with a very worried expression. I nodded back at her with a big grin on my face. (A friend recently suggested I should have had a card made up with the word 'YES' printed on it).

She was slightly taken aback by the format but she did enjoy it. I loved it, something completely different to the norm, and some terrific performances.

Possible spoilers talking about the themes of the film:
I really enjoyed the idea of using great silent performances to show the power of acting in a film about how dialogue makes acting more natural.
End of spoiler

The Artist - Marc - 02-09-2012

My wife and I really liked it too. It was a fun experience, and something you don't get to experience on the big screen often. Who knows when the opportunity will come around again. Definitely worth a watch.

The Artist - fpw - 02-09-2012

As you might guess if you seen (notice I didn't say "read") "The Pines Abide," I've always loved silent films. This one has a purposefully predictable plot but still manages to be completely engaging.