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Fringe Season 4 - Marc - 09-20-2011

Here is the preview for Fringe, premiering this Friday! This is my must-see show currently.


Fringe Season 4 - fpw - 09-21-2011

This is already entered into my DVR so I don't miss an episode. Though Ah pity dah fool who starts watching with season 4.

Fringe Season 4 - Tony H - 09-21-2011

fpw Wrote:This is already entered into my DVR so I don't miss an episode. Though Ah pity dah fool who starts watching with season 4.


Hopefully they don't drag this storyline out too long. Faux-livia's storyline was a bit drawn out last season in my opinion and the way they ended things last year cleared the slate to start fresh. No Peter-no cross dimensional abductions-no Fringe events.

I am so stoked for the season premier!

Fringe Season 4 - Marc - 09-21-2011

They seem to be pretty good about not dragging story lines out too long. Look at last season. Olivia got back halfway through the season.

Fringe Season 4 - Medusa - 09-21-2011

You know I haven't once watched this series.

Fringe Season 4 - Marc - 09-21-2011

You have no idea what you're missing. The first half of season one started a bit rocky, but it quickly became one of the best series on tv

Fringe Season 4 - Dave - 09-21-2011

Really looking forward to this. I actually came to it halfway through the first season, still haven't seen any of them.

They say it is an ideal point to jump onboard, and the preview does suggest a fresh introduction to all the characters through the new boy (old boy in the alternate universe). But I have to agree with Paul, you'll be scratching your head enough to become a watcher if you haven't seen anything before.

Fringe Season 4 - Sigokat - 09-21-2011

fpw Wrote:This is already entered into my DVR so I don't miss an episode. Though Ah pity dah fool who starts watching with season 4.

I thumbs upped this simply because it confirms that FPW is sawesome because he made a Mr. T reference!!

Oh and to stay on topic...I've never watched The Fringe

Fringe Season 4 - Fenian1916 - 09-21-2011


He went back to Dawson's Creek

Fringe Season 4 - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 09-21-2011

Watching tv is not a good ah-deer. That's how the Evil One locks onto your brainwaves and distorts them into twisted sine patterns.

Except for Yankees games, natch.