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The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Scott Miller - 04-05-2011

I watched this yesterday and thought it quite good, albeit incredibly dark. I have not read the books so I don't know how they stack up against each other but the film was compelling.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Kenji - 04-05-2011

Scott Miller Wrote:I watched this yesterday and thought it quite good, albeit incredibly dark. I have not read the books so I don't know how they stack up against each other but the film was compelling.

I have books, but I haven't read them yet...:p

Two sequel films, "The Girl who played with fire" and "The girl who kicked the hornets' nest" were also good!

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - The Mad American - 04-05-2011

I have avoided both the books and the movies for some reason. I usually have an aversion to things that seem to get super popular super fast. I may have to break down and give them a shot since the feedback they get seems to be almost all positive.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Medusa - 04-05-2011

I have watched all 3 movies. They are all on Netflix instant streaming currently. I loved them all. I saw the first 2 before I bought the first book. I enjoyed the the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and it went into a lot more detail so when I rewatched the movie with my son some things made more sense. I am struggling thru the The Girl Who Played with Fire as it started out with a lot (and I mean a lot) of mathematical talk which I couldn't follow. I got past that and its moving along pretty good. I also have The Girl Who Kicked a Hornets Nest but until I finish . . . Playing with Fire . . . They are making a US remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo starting Daniel Craig so I'll probably see it just so I can see the movie without subtitles.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Scott Miller - 04-06-2011

ImDeranged Wrote:I do the same thing. I work as a bookseller, when the first one came out I heard it was "really good". I put it in the mental maybe pile then forgot about it as others caught my interest. Then the second one came out and it good could it really be? I decided not to bother.

But then about 3 weeks ago I caved and read the first book. Damn it was good and I would recommend it.(It's a dark twisted locked room mystery/Action film hybrid) Then the second, don't start it unless you have the third book. The first can stand on its own but 2 leads directly into 3.
Now that I've read them it's time to watch the movies.

Ditto. I am instantly suspicious of anything popular because how good can it be if the masses like it so much? And no, I don't hold myself above the masses but based on popularity charts, the masses and I don't agree on much. Though in this case I don't think I'll read the books because I don't read much noirish type fiction, but love cinema noir, because it seems so real and your visit with a book lasts much longer than with a movie.