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Screw Bella - Karithna - 06-10-2010

I got this pic of the Annoying Orange Facebook page.

I found it appropriate.

Screw Bella - cobalt - 06-11-2010

I've said it before...Twilight is not how vampires should be. At least IMHO. I did read the was I could know what it was all about. I even read the other book, Hosts.

Screw Bella - persephoneslove - 06-11-2010

Way before the fan fever started I read the first Twilight book, I loved it, thought it was one of the better young adult novels to come out in a long time. Then I read the second one [still before the hype] and it took three months to get through it, it was so boring and lacked everything I liked about the first one. Still I stuck it through and read the third one [by this time the world was in full fever mode] and was so effing disappointed that I offered to sell my copies of 2&3 for 10 cents just to get them away from me. How could I not have seen this coming?! But about a year ago I finally mustered up the courage to read number four. I was actually impressed, it went back to how the first one was, how I thought it should be. And yes I believe Screw Bella, cause she doesn't deserve a damn thing other than to die alone horribly and painfully. I like the first and the last but everything in between can go suck bellas!

Screw Bella - GeraldRice - 06-12-2010

I've only seen the movies. The first was cool, but the second one was boring. Too much was hung on the wolfboy and his reveal didn't carry the rest of the movie.

Screw Bella - longbowhunter - 07-15-2010

VAMPIRES DO NOT WORK THAT WAY!!!!(nor do windmills)

Screw Bella - Monquito - 07-16-2010

Vampires kill. Vampires suck blood.

Vampires do not fucking sparkle.

The only way you'll get me to watch that Twlight shit is if Blade made an appearance and sliced the heads off all the main characters.

Screw Bella - johntfs - 07-17-2010

cobalt79 Wrote:I've said it before...Twilight is not how vampires should be. At least IMHO. I did read the was I could know what it was all about. I even read the other book, Hosts.

See your biggest problem is that you read books, plural. I only read the first one and that was plenty of brain damage for me. I hated the Bella character. Her relationship with Edward was that of a suicidal cow dating a chef at Golden Corral.

@ Monquito

I saw a T-shirt that had a picture of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Robert Pattinson with the caption:


Screw Bella - A-dono - 07-18-2010

Funny thing is, Rob Pattinson loathes the character of Edward and the Twilight books themselves. He only took the part because he had a crush on Kristin Stewart.

Doesn't stop legions of psychotic fangirls from asking him to bite them in the neck, though.