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Security cameras part two - brandon1 - 11-04-2009

A few weeks ago i wrote a post about the seeming lack of security cameras in a major New York City hospital in By The Sword-well im feeling a little sheepish right about now as recently in a major Boston hospital a patient went crazy and started stabbing a doctor-an off duty security guard who happened to be visiting the hospital at this time saw what was going on-he then proceeded to pull out his registered handgun mortallly wounding the assailant and saving the doctors life-why is this a relevant story?This all went on without one security camera recording the incident!!Sorry Paul!

Security cameras part two - brandon1 - 11-04-2009

My bad-I meant Ground Zero in reference to the security cameras not By The Sword

Security cameras part two - fpw - 11-04-2009

Yeah, well, that's Boston. Confusedmilewinkgrin:

Security cameras part two - MainlinerJustin - 11-05-2009

My local gas station / convenience store has more security cameras than my local hospital. Madness.

Security cameras part two - GeraldRice - 11-05-2009

I'm pretty sure it's illegal and hopefully they've removed it by now, but I remember a security camera pointing directly into the men's room at a major metro-Detroit mall. I always wondered what was going on there that they would've installed it there. With how the restroom was set up the camera would have been pointing at the urinals from just outside the men's room (it didn't have a door).

Security cameras part two - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 11-05-2009

GeraldRice Wrote:I'm pretty sure it's illegal and hopefully they've removed it by now, but I remember a security camera pointing directly into the men's room at a major metro-Detroit mall. I always wondered what was going on there that they would've installed it there. With how the restroom was set up the camera would have been pointing at the urinals from just outside the men's room (it didn't have a door).

I'm not a great fan of security cameras--somehow, the idea grates wrong--but they have their uses.

Security cameras part two - GeraldRice - 11-05-2009

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:I'm not a great fan of security cameras--somehow, the idea grates wrong--but they have their uses.

I'm a fan so long as their used properly. If you want to put a camera on your building during off hours or even hours of operation. If your city has them on non-residential streets (not sure how I feel about resi streets). But when people have at least a notion of an expectation of privacy maybe think twice before installing the thing.