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Buy FPW books in NYC - Al Meyer - 08-16-2009

Folks, where can I buy paperbacks of FPW in New York city? I´m going to the city in October and want to buy some. Cheers

Buy FPW books in NYC - fpw - 08-16-2009

There seems to be a Barnes & Noble on every block, but Borders tends to carry more of my back list.

Buy FPW books in NYC - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 08-16-2009

fpw Wrote:There seems to be a Barnes & Noble on every block, but Borders tends to carry more of my back list.


Buy FPW books in NYC - fpw - 08-16-2009

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Gasp!:cryin::cryin::cryin:
Truth hurts sometimes, Mikey.

Buy FPW books in NYC - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 08-17-2009

fpw Wrote:Truth hurts sometimes, Mikey. do, it do...

But if Al will let me know when he's coming to town, I'll have any of your books he craves waiting for him. With my employee discount too. What could be a better deal? :confused:

And no, it's just an ugly rumor that Borders booksellers must get an SS tattoo before they can go to work. Ditto the scurrilous tales the Borders higher-ups work hand-in-hand with the Greys. And the white-slavery stories are just that. Stories.

Buy FPW books in NYC - Alvin Fox - 08-17-2009

Ya know, the reason I don't go to the Borders here is because there's no discernable dress code. Or it's not enforced. I feel like I'm walking into an independent music store. And I get sent on wild goose chases throughout the store for some mythical "last copy" that will never be found. I try to tell 'em. I don't think the Chuck Palahniuk book is in the children's section.

Buy FPW books in NYC - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 08-17-2009

AlvinFox Wrote:Ya know, the reason I don't go to the Borders here is because there's no discernable dress code. Or it's not enforced. I feel like I'm walking into an independent music store. And I get sent on wild goose chases throughout the store for some mythical "last copy" that will never be found. I try to tell 'em. I don't think the Chuck Palahniuk book is in the children's section.

That's the difference, Al. That's the difference between Borders and B&N. At B&N, us booksellers will walk the Valued Customer to the section, and place the book in their hand. Book's not there? We'll order it for you, or call another store to hold it for you.

We're good that way. 'Cause nobody wants to go through 30 seconds of nervelash twice.

Buy FPW books in NYC - Karithna - 08-17-2009

The last time I went to the Barnes and Nobles in my town, they had NOT ONE FPW book. Not a single one. I was insulted. I mean, How can a best selling author with numerous titles spanning decades not have ONE BOOK anywhere. I haven't been back. What's the point when I can get whatever I need from Amazon.

Shame on them!!

Buy FPW books in NYC - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 08-17-2009

Karithna Wrote:The last time I went to the Barnes and Nobles in my town, they had NOT ONE FPW book. Not a single one. I was insulted. I mean, How can a best selling author with numerous titles spanning decades not have ONE BOOK anywhere. I haven't been back. What's the point when I can get whatever I need from Amazon.

Shame on them!!

What can I tell you, Karithna? I guess strange things happen in Redding, CA.

Not all of them nice.

Buy FPW books in NYC - icarusflu - 08-18-2009

Only thing I am going to mention is that my local Borders (sorry Mike but it is about 10 miles closer than the closest B&N) every time I go there they have Black Wind in stock, But they always place it in Westerns!
