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Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - cobalt - 07-26-2009


Firstly.....WOW! I'll wait for more to finish before I launch in and discuss...but WOW. Wonderful tie ins to Secret Histories. I'll stop there for now.
Oh...and itchy [SPOILER]purple spots[/SPOILER]...I picked that up real quick.

One thing I do want to know though. On the back cover, is that suppose to be [SPOILER]the Orsa over the bridge?[/SPOILER]

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - Silverfish - 07-26-2009

Yeah, it was amazing. I've been waiting for you to get your copy so I can hear your views on the book, Webby.


Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 07-26-2009

Silverfish Wrote:Yeah, it was amazing. I've been waiting for you to get your copy so I can hear your views on the book, Webby.


I have not received my copies yet. I yearn, in the Land of the Seven Islands, Kenji yearns...

Called Gauntlet on Friday, and they assured me the books will arrive this week.

We shall see...Sad

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - webby - 07-26-2009

This is a spoiler thread. It says so in the thread title.
Cobalt put *****SPOILERS!!!***** at the beginning of the first post.

If you've not yet read Ground Zero, stop reading this thread right now because I'm not going to black out this whole post like some top-secret government document.

You have been warned. Spoilers for Ground Zero and books preceding it just ahead.

First thing - I love the way FPW gave the phrase "ground zero" a whole new layer of meaning. That was wicked clever!

I also loved how other parts of the uber-story were woven in to place this one in time - Abe reading about a house in Monroe burning down that belonged to a doctor who could supposedly heal with a touch, Rasalom's changed appearance and Dawn finding a college ID in his desk. Cool

It was nice to see Diana back. I knew Cal was still around. He would not have left Diana's side no matter what.

Of course, it was wonderful to see Weezy again (Eddie too except for the lodge brand! ). I figured there would have to be at least a little romantic tension between Jack and Weezy. It was there in Secret Histories and chances were it had never really been resolved. So there it was, but Jack did good. But poor Weezy. I felt so bad for her.

And BTW, I'm going on record here and now to say there is no way Weezy's late husband killed himself. I don't believe it and neither should she. Maybe we'll all learn more about that in an upcoming book.

I can't say how happy I am that Weezy survived this book. I was really worried that she wouldn't. But we aren't at the end yet, so it remains a possibility. Dammit.

The explanation of The Lady was way cool. It was the first I'd heard of the noosphere (sounds a little Dormentalist-ish, doesn't it?) so I thought it was extremely interesting. I'm not sure it really rules out The Lady being thought of as Mother Nature though, considering that Mother Nature is a mythical being it isn't inconceivable that the name could have been bestowed on The Lady in ages long past. :dontknow:

I also thought The Lady was a going to be a goner by the end of this book. I am so glad I was (mostly) wrong!

So Jack has still not told Gia about the "accident". But now I'm thinking that even when he does get his nerve up to do it, it isn't going to be the big horrible shock for Gia he expects it to be. I'm thinking that at least deep in her heart, Gia knows it wasn't an accident.

Think about it - Gia has been with Jack through the "accidents" with his sister, father and brother. She heard about what happened to his mother. Gia isn't stupid. Even if she doesn't realize on a conscious level that what happened to her, Vicky and Emma was intentional, she'll realize she knew it on some level as soon as she hears it.

There were other neat things in Ground Zero (the caves, for one) that I enjoyed but I've babbled enough for now. Ground Zero is another excellent addition to the Repairman Jack / Adversary Cycle story arc. The Man is truly The Man! :adore:

I do have one question for Paul, though. How in the world did you come up with a word like "Fhinntmanchca"? Big Grin

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - cobalt - 07-27-2009

One thing that I thought was really funny. Jack and Eddie's conversations as they caught up with each other on the subway and in Weezie's house. It reminded me of the board. Sig and Fen bantering like 2 old friends. Even a "Ya think?" too! Big Grin

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - fpw - 07-27-2009

webby Wrote:I do have one question for Paul, though. How in the world did you come up with a word like "Fhinntmanchca"? Big Grin
Well, First Age words are weird. Sounds almost Gaelic, but it's an anagram of a long German word meaning outsider.

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - Silverfish - 07-27-2009

I was happy that we finally had a meeting to go to, to learn more information about the state of the world. It was great that Wezzy got to be there, because usually it's only a little information in a brief meeting. This was a great meeting. I liked that the Lady changed her form for Wezzy, and stated that she probably wouldn't do it for anyone else. Smile

I was intrigued by the concept of the noosphere, but since I'd never heard of it, I had to go look it up after I finished reading. It might have been nice to walk into the book with a little knowledge of the concept. (The "I can hear them scream as they get aborted" was a spooky little touch.) Nothing Paul can do about me not knowing things though.

I liked the backstory of Drexler and his father. I'm waiting to read more of the young Jack books to get to know this character and how he interacts with the community.

I didn't like the fact that two characters had similar names (Ernst and Ernest). This confused me a little.

The anti-matter Darryl was great, and it was kind of spooky to know that the Lady has such a weekness as not being aware of his presence.

The katana is still in Jack's closet.


Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - Brian - 07-28-2009

Excellent book! I read with trepidation at first, thought that the book would bring back too many things I want to forget. But once I started to pick out all the references to previous books, it was all good.
I was glad to see Weezy survive.
And I agree, Weezy's husband didn't off himself. He bought that gun for protection. "They" got to him for his delving into the 9/11 theories. Maybe we'll find out what he knew in a future book.

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - webby - 07-28-2009

fpw Wrote:Well, First Age words are weird. Sounds almost Gaelic, but it's an anagram of a long German word meaning outsider.

Ah..... very clever!

Silverfish Wrote:The katana is still in Jack's closet.


So it is. I'm beginning to think there will be another "outsider" that Jack will only be able to destroy with that katana. Hmmmm...

Ground Zero Spoiler Thread - Ken Valentine - 07-29-2009

webby Wrote:I'm beginning to think there will be another "outsider" that Jack will only be able to destroy with that katana. Hmmmm...
That would be interesting, [SPOILER]but I'm thinking that it would also be used (along with the necklaces and shards from the other sword) to reconstruct the final sword in NIGHTWORLD.[/SPOILER]

Ken V.