Guillermo Del Toro - The Strain - Printable Version

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Guillermo Del Toro - The Strain - ImDeranged - 05-05-2009


Guillermo Del Toro - The Strain - Kenji - 05-05-2009

That's why I think he should remake The Keep...

Guillermo Del Toro - The Strain - t4terrific - 05-06-2009

Kenji Wrote:That's why I think he should remake The Keep...

I like that idea.

Guillermo Del Toro - The Strain - Karithna - 05-07-2009

I could buy that

Guillermo Del Toro - The Strain - longbowhunter - 08-02-2009

Just finished The Strain last night and thought the same damn thing...maybe it was the tone or the NYC setting,but it definitely gave off the same vibes as an FPW book. I also started to wonder if FPW was ever approached or ever had any interest in writing a Hellboy story...they've done a couple of short story collections called ODD JOBS,ODDER JOBS,and ODDEST JOBS...tons of horror and sci-fi writers have written stories for them-who wouldnt love to see Hellboy vs RasalomBig Grin?!?!?!

Guillermo Del Toro - The Strain - Medusa - 02-28-2010

I just finished reading The Strain and I loved it. I can't wait until the next one comes around.

Guillermo Del Toro - The Strain - fpw - 03-01-2010

No, no connection to The Strain, but it does sound as if someone's been reading the Secret History. Yes, I've been asked to do Hell Boy stories (Mike is a big fan of The Keep) but I've turned them down.

Guillermo Del Toro - The Strain - cobalt - 03-01-2010

The Strain sounds like my kind of book. I'll check it out.

Guillermo Del Toro - The Strain - GeraldRice - 03-01-2010

cobalt79 Wrote:The Strain sounds like my kind of book. I'll check it out.

My wife has it on her e-reader. She had to put it down for the time being because she's in school, but she said it's good so far.

Guillermo Del Toro - The Strain - cobalt - 08-05-2010

I finally got around to reading The Strain. I'm about half way through far, I'm having trouble putting it down.