Recalled (spoilers within) - Printable Version

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Recalled (spoilers within) - Alvin Fox - 03-16-2009

Just finished reading this in He is Legend after reading Matheson's The Distributor. A great story with a special cameo by you-know-who. The story works great with the reader never knowing that it's Repairman Jack in it because it's told from the antagonists point of view like in The Distributor.

On its face, the story seems to have no connections with The Otherness. [spoiler]But when you consider the kind of work The Distributor does, Jack's desire to know who The Distributor works for and The Distributor telling Jack that Jack would be a good Distributor... I love these little connections.[/spoiler]

It's a great short story. Will it find a home in another anthology that is more widely accessible?

Recalled (spoilers within) - fpw - 03-16-2009

I don't expect it to be anywhere else soon. He is Legend will probably go through a number of paperback editions.

Recalled (spoilers within) - icarusflu - 03-16-2009

fpw Wrote:I don't expect it to be anywhere else soon. He is Legend will probably go through a number of paperback editions.

WOOOHOOO - more books to collect and annoy my wife with
