Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review - Printable Version

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Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review - fpw - 12-12-2008

Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review - Ken Valentine - 12-12-2008

fpw Wrote:
The writer should have proof-read his review a little better, (it should be the daughter of the presidents doctor, not the daughter of the presidents daughter) but other than that, the review is right on the money.

Whenever I pick the book up to reread it, I can't put it down again either. And I've read it many times.

Ken V.

Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review - Weatherford - 12-12-2008

[COLOR="Blue"]Does he know about this site?

I think Deep... has always been the most frightening of the FPW books I've read - too close to reality! I don't seem to have my copy here in Ireland to re-read it, however Sad[/COLOR]

Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review - Aahz - 12-12-2008

fpw Wrote:Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review

Wow! Thanks Paul! It's truly a great book and I'm glad I could do it justice Smile

Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review - webby - 12-12-2008

fpw Wrote:


In a truly free country, DATM and EOTS would be on the reading list for every high school student. Wink

Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review - t4terrific - 12-12-2008

Aahz Wrote:Wow! Thanks Paul! It's truly a great book and I'm glad I could do it justice Smile

You needed to mention The Appletons. Wink

I used "appleton" as my favorite "dummy insult" for a while. I liked the blank stares it garnered.

I'm now using "numb skull" to let people know I think they are being a big dork.

I am about due for a new favorite "dummy insult".:hand:

Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review - Silverfish - 12-12-2008

Seems an ok site.

Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review - wdg3rd - 12-13-2008

About the only one of Paul's novels I have a copy of but haven't read. Set it aside for later and it got buried. I'll have to rummage around and dig it up. Yes, I know I should have my books organized, but with every available square foot of vertical wall (in this house walls are not all vertical) covered with shelves, I only have room for about half of the books and that's with the paperbacks in two rows per shelf. The rest are in piles and (uncatalogued) boxes. The piles get rearranged by the cats now and then.

La Esposa won't let me block the windows. I could increase shelving by an easy 50% without natural light.

Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review - Patrice - 04-14-2010

So did i, but i digged it out and i´m now looking forward to the end..
as usual a pageturner!

Great DEEP AS THE MARROW review - Karithna - 04-16-2010

It was a good novel. Seeing as how California is voting for marijuana legalization this november, It makes for an interesting point of view.

Unfortunately when I logged onto the fpaulwilsonproject, my virus protection popped up as trojan horse averted..

who's site is this?