How about a tv series? - Printable Version

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How about a tv series? - ladyarwen1 - 08-08-2008

Hi Folks,

I'm new around here, been a fan of RJ since he first showed up in print, until I encountered him I'd thought that MacDonald's Travis McGee was the best male fictional character ever created, then Jack came along and changed my tune. Though there are some cool similarities between the characters.

At any rate, in addition to being extremely fond of RJ, I'm also a bit of an X-Files fanatic, you could call me an X-Phile I suppose. Ever since they stopped making new episodes I've been feeling a bit deprived and have often thought what a great combination Chris Charter, David Duchovny and FPW's RJ would be. What do you think, any possibility of spearheading a campaign to get Jack his own show?

By the way, where's Stephen? He said he was the president of the RJ fan club and I haven't seen him anywhere around here.


How about a tv series? - Silverfish - 08-08-2008

Welcome to the board Wendy. You'll soon find out about Stephen....Wink


How about a tv series? - fpw - 08-08-2008

[SIZE="3"]Unless it was done on Showtime or HBO, an RJ series would be homogenized into pap. His gut anarchy, his tax resistance, his weapon-carry policy, his individualism, his autonomy are anathema to the dictates and mindsets of broadcast and most cable TV. Sure, we'll schedule a serial killer who kills other killers, but a guy who's never paid a payroll tax? Get me the smelling salts!

Seriously, sympathetically portraying a character who advocates and successfully brings off an under-the-radar, off-the-books lifestyle would be asking too much of the statists and collectivists who run mainstream media. [/SIZE]

How about a tv series? - mad4tunes - 08-08-2008

I can see what would happen...Repairman Jack would become the modern answer to "Knight Rider" or "McGyver".

And after what they did to Robert B. Parker's "Spenser", I don't WANT to see a "Repairman Jack" TV series.

How about a tv series? - Legion - 08-09-2008

fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]Unless it was done on Showtime or HBO, an RJ series would be homogenized into pap. His gut anarchy, his tax resistance, his weapon-carry policy, his individualism, his autonomy are anathema to the dictates and mindsets of broadcast and most cable TV. Sure, we'll schedule a serial killer who kills other killers, but a guy who's never paid a payroll tax? Get me the smelling salts!

Seriously, sympathetically portraying a character who advocates and successfully brings off an under-the-radar, off-the-books lifestyle would be asking too much of the statists and collectivists who run mainstream media. [/SIZE]

I doubt anybody, save Jack himself, could say it better ( hmm... wonder why?Big Grin)

How about a tv series? - Wapitikev - 08-09-2008

Greetings, LadyArwen1. You'll like it here.

Stephen's claim is generally considered a goof...see the FAQ here (scroll down a page) for the details...although I do suspect an RJ board member or two…several are eccentric enough to fit the bill.


My initial vote on a TV series was: "no." I don't drink homogenized milk and I don't watch TV any more.

But then I started to wonder...exactly what is Joss Whedon doing these days...hmmmnnn...not superbusy according to IMDB.

Colour me (extremely) skeptical.


PS-while I know this thread is not about an existing TV show, I would still expect it to be found under the "TV and Film discussion" Forum. If LadyArwen1 is obliging, perhaps some helpful mod could move it for her? -W Smile

How about a tv series? - XiaoYu - 08-09-2008

Jos Whedon: now that's some pretty amazing potential right there...

How about a tv series? - cobalt - 08-10-2008

Welcome aboard Wendy. Neat idea, but as The Man would be turned into pap (to paraphrase). IF the movie ever gets made...I hope the script gives FPW and Jack the credit they are long overdue.

How about a tv series? - Libby - 08-13-2008

Wel come to the board, Wendy!!!Smile I like your idea, but I think that the show would end up writing their OWN Jack stories.....:eek::nonod: