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The Best Beat Downs - GeraldRice - 01-05-2008

I don't mean fight scenes, but when the other guy just got his @$$ handed to him in a movie. Like Terminator 2 when they rescue Sarah and the one guy went face first into a wall and he made that thick "smack" sound.

Hm, also Rob Roy at the end. Okay, he was losing the entire fight until he grabs Tim Roth's sword and just slashes him almost in half.

The Best Beat Downs - fpw - 01-05-2008

[SIZE="3"]The Sons of Katie Elder (1965).

George Kennedy is bullying the blacksmith (he wants to know what he told John Wayne) by holding his head underwater in a rain barrel.

John Wayne spots this and walks over. He picks up a wagon-wheel spoke along the way and casually winds up for a swing as he approaches from behind. When he reaches the pair he says, "Hey!" as he starts a one-handed roundhouse swing. Kennedy looks up just as the end of the spoke reaches him. It clocks him square in the face. He drops like the porverbial sack of wheat and doesn't move for the rest of the scene.

I'll always remember that one because it was the first beatdown like that I'd ever seen. Not a wasted word, not a wasted second, not a wasted ounce of strength. Simple, casual, devastatingly effective. It established Wayne's character as a tough, no-nonsense, SOB with a mere 5 seconds of film.[/SIZE]

The Best Beat Downs - Mike Hanson - 01-05-2008

At the very end of an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation,
the character of Counselor Troi is struggling against a telepathic
rapist, when Chief of Security Worf strides through the doorway.

The raging Telepath (solid at 6'2") charges right at the Klingon.
In one swift focused movement Worf twists his shoulders slightly,
and thrusts his right palm forward (fingers raised semi-clenched)
which instantly connects with the bad guy's chin, knocking him
out and flat on his back. Worf actor Michael Dorn made the act
look nearly effortless.

As I'm sure many fanboys remember, Worf had become the
proverbial punching bag of the show over various episodes
(getting his butt kicked by alien-infested Admiral Quinn in
the Season I finale; getting his butt kicked by a Borg Drone
in the episode The Best of Both Worlds, etc., etc. etc.) This
phenomenon became so predictable that it was labelled by
fandom as "The Worf Effect," i.e., whenever a hostile alien
lifeform would board the Enterprise, it would inevitably attack
the so-called "toughest" character, which in this case is the
badass Klingon.

It was nice that the writers had finally realized that the ship's
Chief of Security should have above-average defensive skills.

The Best Beat Downs - The Mad American - 01-05-2008

American History X, the kiss the curb scene. Ouch.

The Best Beat Downs - ccosborne3 - 01-05-2008

The Unforgiven.

Little Bill beat the living crap out of English Bob. Then he put down an even worse beating on a sickly Clint Eastwood.

The Best Beat Downs - Kenji - 01-05-2008

Back To The Future.

At the scene of Prom night, George did beat Biff. In this movie, this scene was one of best 3 scenes.

The Best Beat Downs - Blake - 01-06-2008

Clint Eastwood in Pale Rider: "There's nothing like a nice piece of hickory."


The Best Beat Downs - Sigokat - 01-06-2008

This video I saw on YouTube where these two chicks were fighitng in the streets. One chick got her ass handed to her and then tried to blame her bloody nose on "Oh I get bloody noses like every day." YEAH RIGHT!!

Oh wait...were we talking about movies? Big Grin

The Best Beat Downs - Scott Miller - 01-06-2008

By far my favorite fight scene of all time is in Bad Boys when Sean Penn uses a pillow case for something besides sleeping-cinema magic.

The Best Beat Downs - webby - 01-06-2008

Mandy Patinkin and Christopher Guest in THE PRINCESS BRIDE

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"