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Favorite Character(Besides RJ) - Scott Miller - 12-04-2007

Outside of Jack, who is your favorite person created by FPW. Mine would be Father Bill. He is probably the most decent person I've ever met in fiction. Everything he held dear was taken from him(in the most gruesome methods possible) and he still found ways to remain true to himself.

Favorite Character(Besides RJ) - Sigokat - 12-04-2007

Hands down...The Otherness. While not a "person" the concept of The Otherness is one of the coolest I have ever read in a series of fiction.

If I could I would pledge my alligence to The Otherness...or maybe I'll just make a $5 donation. Wink

Favorite Character(Besides RJ) - Tony H - 12-04-2007

While it has been a while since I visited "Deep as the Marrow" I recall distinctly feeling that Poppy was perhaps one of the best characters Paul had put to paper.

I don't know why, but I loved her. LOVED HER DAMN IT! And Paul...he took that love the story.

Favorite Character(Besides RJ) - Keith the Elder - 12-04-2007

AsMoral Wrote:
While it has been a while since I visited "Deep as the Marrow" I recall distinctly feeling that Poppy was perhaps one of the best characters Paul had put to paper.

I don't know why, but I loved her. LOVED HER DAMN IT! And Paul...he took that love the story.

Yeah, Poppy fer sure!

Favorite Character(Besides RJ) - Kenji - 12-04-2007

Zero in SIMS. He's cool. Cool

Favorite Character(Besides RJ) - Dave F - 12-04-2007

Not very original choice, but I will always love Glaeken

His, albeit brief, appearance in Harbingers was a highlight of the book for me, I remember I was reading in bed and actually shouted out YES when I read that bit

I also like Dalt in Healer

Favorite Character(Besides RJ) - Ken Valentine - 12-06-2007

Britfan Wrote:Not very original choice, but I will always love Glaeken

His, albeit brief, appearance in Harbingers was a highlight of the book for me, I remember I was reading in bed and actually shouted out YES when I read that bit

I also like Dalt in Healer

All of the above.

Ken V.

Favorite Character(Besides RJ) - Miskatonic & Gin - 12-06-2007

Although not 1 character I really dig the Kenton brothers from The Haunted Air. Those two could easily carry a series of books. hint...hint...

Favorite Character(Besides RJ) - webby - 12-06-2007

Britfan Wrote:...I also like Dalt in Healer

Yep - Dalt and Pard. Love 'em.

I'll also add Peter LaNague to the list. Wink

Favorite Character(Besides RJ) - Sigokat - 12-06-2007

Miskatonic & Gin' Wrote:Although not 1 character I really dig the Kenton brothers from The Haunted Air. Those two could easily carry a series of books. hint...hint...

Agreed...I epsecially liked Charlie and I wished he had gotten some more attention in the book.

Good choice!!