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Raise your hand if you're gonna wait! - Barry Lee Dejasu - 07-21-2004

Raise your hand (or...just post something here) if you're gonna be patient and WAIT for Nightworld to come out in its revised form, and not read the current "alternate ending" that it is.

*I raise my hand, ready to take on a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry quiet response from the RJ message board*

...or maybe that was a stupid question. I just want to see if I truly am alone in this.

Raise your hand if you're gonna wait! - catman9 - 07-21-2004

I debated this last week and took the plunge. It was well worth it. Minor edits will not make Night World an effective link to the Jack books. The Adversary cycle as a 6 book stand alone is a masterwork. Read it and enjoy.

After you've put it down and savored the fine pleasure of a well thought out concept beautifully executed, join me in cajoling/begging our author and host to create another masterwork. If anyone can keep the old school happy by keeping the Adversary sequence intact (with minor edits to update/fix anachronisms) and can still find a way to give Jack a real opportunity to have a parallel or compimentary climax (has to be in another book, possibly a prequel), FPW could do it. If he wants to.

Note to FPW - faster please.

Raise your hand if you're gonna wait! - Noelie - 07-22-2004

I haven't read Nightworld yet. Not really because I'm holding out, I just haven't gotten around to it. Big Grin

Raise your hand if you're gonna wait! - Dave - 07-22-2004

Barry Lee Dejasu Wrote:Raise your hand (or...just post something here) if you're gonna be patient and WAIT for Nightworld to come out in its revised form, and not read the current "alternate ending" that it is.

I read it when first published, so Jack's further adventures are just more filling inside the cake.

The great thing, which I think is now lost among new readers, is the unexpected joining of these different stories (The Keep, The Tomb, The Touch) into something greater. It blew my mind.

I don't expect many changes in Nightworld, and won't you ever wonder what it was like in it's original form?


Raise your hand if you're gonna wait! - Ken Valentine - 07-22-2004

Dave Wrote:I read it when first published, so Jack's further adventures are just more filling inside the cake.

The great thing, which I think is now lost among new readers, is the unexpected joining of these different stories (The Keep, The Tomb, The Touch) into something greater. It blew my mind.

I don't expect many changes in Nightworld, and won't you ever wonder what it was like in it's original form?


Wellll . . . the first one I read was THE KEEP, followed by THE TOMB, and then NIGHT WORLD. While reading NIGHT WORLD, I remember thinking, "Who are all these other people? What are their stories?" THE TOUCH, REBORN, and REPRISAL, were out of print at the time, so I haunted used book stores. I found two of them, but couldn't find a copy of REPRISAL until last year when I finally got a computer and onto the web.

I for one am looking forward to the new NIGHT WORLD, just to see what the changes are.

Ken V.

Raise your hand if you're gonna wait! - Barry Lee Dejasu - 07-22-2004

Dave Wrote:I don't expect many changes in Nightworld, and won't you ever wonder what it was like in it's original form?

I will, and I do; I plan on reading the original sometime. See, here's my reasoning.

Even though Nightworld is already out, and even though it features Jack in it already, the new cycle of how Jack's world is leading inexorably to this end makes it like Nightworld (and Reprisal, for that matter) hasn't happened yet. That said, I am treating my reading of the RJ/AC cycles as if Nightworld doesn't even exist yet. It's not like George Lucas had no plans for Episodes I, II, and III when he was working on A New Hope; in other words, he knew, and made it obvious, that there'd have to be an arc leading from the beginning to that "end" at some point. However, with the RJ/AC cycle, people became such big fans of RJ, FPW had to re-write his original, shorter plot; he had to write his own "Episodes I-III," if you will.

Because this is all basically the equivalent of a massive editing job, I want to wait for the final draft before I read the rough.

Can anyone understand that?

And I guess I truly am the only fan who is going to wait on purpose.

Raise your hand if you're gonna wait! - jimbow8 - 07-22-2004

Dave Wrote:The great thing, which I think is now lost among new readers, is the unexpected joining of these different stories (The Keep, The Tomb, The Touch) into something greater. It blew my mind.
I am similar to Dave in my thinking of this. The first time I read the AC I had no idea why they were considered part of a series until the last 2 books tied them together. I also think that the mere existence (and knowledge of) the subsequent RJ books spoils the FULL impact and greatness of the ending of The Tomb.

I must say that I admire your willpower, Barry. I think parts of this read-or-don't-read debate is that some of us might be a little jealous of that willpower to not read Nightworld, but that you have also taken up your cause as a sort of noble martydom. Big Grin

Jim (way off base?)

Raise your hand if you're gonna wait! - Dave - 07-22-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:I must say that I admire your willpower, Barry. I think parts of this read-or-don't-read debate is that some of us might be a little jealous of that willpower to not read Nightworld, but that you have also taken up your cause as a sort of noble martydom. Big Grin

Jim (way off base?)

Martydom? Throwing our Back to the Future DVDs on the fire for the better of mankind? Big Grin

Me? Jealous? Never. Nope. Not one bit.... Damn you James.


Raise your hand if you're gonna wait! - Scott Hajek - 07-22-2004

I read Nightworld as soon as it came out. And, like everyone who has read it, loved it and wanted more. Thankfully, Jack came back in the "prequels" to Nightworld.

However, I've only read Nightworld once and will only read it again once it comes out in its new revised form. It will be like reading a new book. Once this last book of the AC is published by Borderlands will I re-read the entire AC. I am going to wait patiently. Thank goodness it's not being published by Cemetery Dance. I'd have to hope for a large print edition by then.

Raise your hand if you're gonna wait! - nonsun blob a - 07-22-2004

Dave Wrote:I read it when first published, so Jack's further adventures are just more filling inside the cake.

The great thing, which I think is now lost among new readers, is the unexpected joining of these different stories (The Keep, The Tomb, The Touch) into something greater. It blew my mind.

I don't expect many changes in Nightworld, and won't you ever wonder what it was like in it's original form?


that wasn't lost to me. my father's the one that got me reading it, and he read them when they were coming out, so i read them the same way he did, except with one or two jack books between the last 3 because they were easier to find.