Are we there yet...? (Conspiracies PB question) - Printable Version

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Are we there yet...? (Conspiracies PB question) - Barry Lee Dejasu - 02-07-2007

Granted there's still a copy of the original PB of Conspiracies at a nearby Borders, but c'maaaan...

Is there at least a cover in the works for the "new" edition, à la The Tomb and All the Rage, available for visual scrutiny?

I just looked at my collection of "newer" RJ books and it made me wonder. These covers are finally growing on me.

Are we there yet...? (Conspiracies PB question) - fpw - 02-07-2007

[SIZE="3"]I'm spending the next couple of days at a distributor's warehouse signing a thousand or two RJ paperbacks for an upcoming promotion. I'll let you know if Conspiracies has a new package.[/SIZE]

Are we there yet...? (Conspiracies PB question) - Barry Lee Dejasu - 02-08-2007

Well then, comrade(s): what do you think will be the imagery on this cover?

Maybe mixed conspiracy imagery on the top (i.e. Christ's face fading into a black field with a pattern of white lights, UFO-formation, which in turn fades into a sheet of paper saying "SESO..."), Jack's silhouette holding a gun off to the side, and a big dark house at the bottom? myself a little excited there. I can't wait!

Are we there yet...? (Conspiracies PB question) - fpw - 02-09-2007

Sorry, folks. I'm signing 1500 copies each of Crisscross, Infernal, Hosts, and Gateway. No revamped Conspiracies in sight.

Are we there yet...? (Conspiracies PB question) - Barry Lee Dejasu - 02-09-2007

fpw Wrote:Sorry, folks. I'm signing 1500 copies each of Crisscross, Infernal, Hosts, and Gateway. No revamped Conspiracies in sight.

*snaps an annoyed finger* Well, hopefully by the end of the year at least all the new editions of The Tomb, The Keep, and Legacies will have whetted the appetites of enough fans to go out and buy the next RJ book that has the oddly simplistic blue/silhouette cover. Then us collectors can rejoice.

Also, I like Dr. Trilobite's idea on what the cover should be like: rickety stairway leading to darkness on bottom, night skyline on top, Jack with wavy lines around him in middle.

Are we there yet...? (Conspiracies PB question) - Barry Lee Dejasu - 02-11-2007

Dr. Trilobite Wrote:New edition of Legacies?

And FPW, what promotion is this, exactly?

Oh ja, zah is new edition of Legacies...

[Image: 0812571991.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg]

Sorry about the quality.

And as for the reason why, I think it should be pretty self-evident: since Hosts came out in paperback, all the Repairman Jack novels (including the hardcovers) have had these kinds of covers. So why should the first three be any different? Make money AND satisfy collectors all around...

Are we there yet...? (Conspiracies PB question) - Dr. Trilobite - 02-11-2007

That came out this year? I had no idea. I only got into it over the summer; I just assumed since it looked slightly more basic than the others, they released it awhile ago and just copied it later on. Thanks.

Are we there yet...? (Conspiracies PB question) - fpw - 12-05-2007

[SIZE="3"]Well, the Conspiracies pb has sold out its out of stock and will now be redesigned. Unfortunately at least 6 months will pass before it's available.[/SIZE]

Are we there yet...? (Conspiracies PB question) - mkmfpwfan - 12-05-2007

Man,I'm reading this book now. I grew up in the North East and know many of the crazy type of people in this book lol. It's like im revisiting my past!!!

Are we there yet...? (Conspiracies PB question) - Barry Lee Dejasu - 12-11-2007

fpw Wrote:Well, the Conspiracies pb has sold out its out of stock and will now be redesigned. Unfortunately at least 6 months will pass before it's available.

Well thank the gods that's finally underway! Hell, 6 months is a lot better than indefinitely... Thanks for the update!

Now if only The Touch, Reborn, Reprisal, and Nightworld got their mass market (re-)dues...