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ARTIFACT question for Paul - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 12-05-2005

Bought a bunch of the paperbacks to hand out to Those Who Have Not Yet Seen The Light, but I wonder--I can see how =two= can collaborate on a yarn, but =four=? How did dat woik? Did youze guys e-mail it aroun' wit each writer choosin' de fourth woid? :confused:

ARTIFACT question for Paul - Biggles - 12-05-2005

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Bought a bunch of the paperbacks to hand out to Those Who Have Not Yet Seen The Light, but I wonder--I can see how =two= can collaborate on a yarn, but =four=? How did dat woik? Did youze guys e-mail it aroun' wit each writer choosin' de fourth woid? :confused:

Dintcha know? Dat's how da camel was created! Big Grin

ARTIFACT question for Paul - KRW - 12-05-2005

I asked the same question once, here's the answer.


ARTIFACT question for Paul - Biggles - 12-05-2005

KRW Wrote:I asked the same question once, here's the answer.


Artifact was a decent book, but it would have been better with either FPW or FPW plus Matt Costello writing it. Committees have their limits!

BTW. I co-counseled a Murder case a couple of years ago. Client plugged the guy right between the eyes. Lead counsel wanted to argue self-defense. I argued for recklessness. Lead counsel calls the shots, of course. Client got Voluntary Manslaughter (6-20), but would have gotten Reckless Homicide (2-8) if lead counsel hadn't F***ed up my accident argument. "Too many cooks spoil the broth." FWIW, lead counsel was an East coast Boston U Law School type, uncomfortable with the idea of fire arms use. If our client had 2 attorneys dedicated to RKBA? Who knows?

ARTIFACT question for Paul - fpw - 12-05-2005

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Bought a bunch of the paperbacks to hand out to Those Who Have Not Yet Seen The Light, but I wonder--I can see how =two= can collaborate on a yarn, but =four=? How did dat woik? Did youze guys e-mail it aroun' wit each writer choosin' de fourth woid? :confused:

Gah! Please don't present those as a sample of my work. I had little to do with it.

ARTIFACT question for Paul - Biggles - 12-05-2005

fpw Wrote:Gah! Please don't present those as a sample of my work. I had little to do with it.

The only reason I bought Artifact was because you had co-written it. Not meaning to raise bad memories, but what do YOU think of it?

ARTIFACT question for Paul - Ken Valentine - 12-05-2005

fpw Wrote:Gah! Please don't present those as a sample of my work. I had little to do with it.

Yeah! You would NEVER write that the boat reared back like Trigger in a Lone Ranger movie. Big Grin

Ken V.

ARTIFACT question for Paul - t4terrific - 12-06-2005

KRW Wrote:I asked the same question once, here's the answer.


Thanks for the link KRW. That one was answered pretty well by FPW.

ARTIFACT question for Paul - jaybird - 12-06-2005

I havent read Artifact either. Is it worth my time?

ARTIFACT question for Paul - Pleiades - 12-06-2005

jaybird Wrote:I havent read Artifact either. Is it worth my time?
I just read Artifact a couple of weeks ago. It was a good read, but not as good as a "pure" FWP book. From another post, I see you haven't read SIms yet. That's a much better book (IMHO) than Artifact. But read Artifact sometime anyway - it won't hurt you.

Must read FWP books (other than AC and RJ): Black Wind; Deep as the Marrow; Implant (finally someone who knows how to make coffee!); The Select; Sibs; Nightkill... just to name a few. Then there's the LaNague books...