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Black Wind - jimbow8 - 05-31-2004

Biggles Wrote:Hey! Who told you about my time machine?
I don't think you have a time machine or else you'd've used it to get ribs delivered to the GU.

Black Wind - Biggles - 05-31-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:I don't think you have a time machine or else you'd've used it to get ribs delivered to the GU.

Yes, but I had left it at home--they're quite heavy, you see. If I go to GU-4, I'll have to research to see where I can get good ribs 24/7. Maybe we should have it in Vegas or Reno instead. Those cities never sleep, so I assume munchies will never be a problem.

Black Wind - Biggles - 05-31-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:I don't think you have a time machine or else you'd've used it to get ribs delivered to the GU.

Oh, and I would never use it for so frivolous a purpose. Instead, I would use it to benefit mankind--like by going back to April 1983 and having my Stillers take Dan Marino in the first round of the NFL draft. Or converting assets into gold before FDR de-monetized our currency.

Black Wind - Ken Valentine - 06-02-2004

Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Lemme ask you, Biggles, would it have been a better world if the British and French democracies had gone down? If Kaiserism triumphed in Europe? (I am out of time, will get back to you on Sunday.)

Some aspects of Bismarks Socialization of Germany sure triumphed in THIS country!

Sozial Politik there, Social Security here. They made age 65 the retirement age because according to statistics at the time, 65 was the average of death . . . nice! Instead of saying, "Eat straw," as they did a century earlier, the Prince now said, "Give me your money, and I'll let you have some of it back, if I think you need it."

And America's so-called "Intellectuals" wailed that Germany is fifty years ahead of us in "social legislation."

America didn't defeat Bismark and Hitler . . . America BECAME Bismark and Hitler.

Ken V.

Black Wind - Biggles - 06-02-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:I don't think you have a time machine or else you'd've used it to get ribs delivered to the GU.

(Semi)-seriously: IF you had a time machine, whom would you go back in time to "bust a cap on"?

You guys first.

Black Wind - Brianmack5 - 06-03-2004

Is black wind and the group of monks something FPW made up or is there some truth to them. I have done a little looking into it and even asked one of my college prof's but have come up with nothing.

just wondering
Brian McCaskill

Black Wind - Tim Hatch - 06-03-2004

Biggles Wrote:(Semi)-seriously: IF you had a time machine, whom would you go back in time to "bust a cap on"?

You guys first.

Edward I - that bastard!

Black Wind - Scott Miller - 06-03-2004

Biggles Wrote:(Semi)-seriously: IF you had a time machine, whom would you go back in time to "bust a cap on"?

You guys first.

Unfortunately, there is no shortage of worthy candiadtes, but for personal reasons I'd go with Mark David Chapman. F$%ing SOB. I tend to think that the shoes of the Hitlers and Stalins would have been filled by somebody else without altering history much.


Black Wind - fpw - 06-03-2004

Brianmack5 Wrote:Is black wind and the group of monks something FPW made up or is there some truth to them. I have done a little looking into it and even asked one of my college prof's but have come up with nothing.

I made them up. Even so, they gave even me the creeps.

Black Wind - fpw - 06-03-2004

Biggles Wrote:(Semi)-seriously: IF you had a time machine, whom would you go back in time to "bust a cap on"?

I've always wondered, if someone offed Gavrilo Princip in 1914 before he assassinated Archduke Ferdinand, would WWI have been prevented?

I doubt it--Europe was seething at the time--but it has intreesting remifications.

Prevent WWI and you prevent WWII (which was a direct result of the staggering reparations saddled on Germany at Versailles).

And it's possible with Eurrope at peace in the late teens, the Bolshevik revolution might have been put down with the help of Russia's allies.

What a different world this would many millions and millions of lives would have been saved.