Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Printable Version

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Noelie - 05-27-2008

Ken Valentine Wrote:I gather that at age 66, Harrison Ford is still "eye candy" for the ladies.

Ken V.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but yes, yes he is. Wink

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - cobalt - 05-27-2008

I liked the movie, but then again an Indy movie always has it's chase scene. What I liked about this one was that some scenes were filmed on the Yale campus in New Haven, just down I95 from me.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Marc - 05-27-2008

cobalt79 Wrote:What I liked about this one was that some scenes were filmed on the Yale campus in New Haven, just down I95 from me.

That's probably the only thing they shot on location.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Scott Hajek - 05-27-2008

Indy IV is a MUST SEE for anyone who loved the other three. But, it is a MUST AVOID if you haven't seen the other ones.

Raiders is probably my most favorite movie of all time. So, of course I had to see the new one. I really enjoyed it, but I think it has to be put into context. The first three movies were throwbacks to the classic adventure movies of the 1930's. This one is a throwback to the "red scare / alien invasion" movies of the 1950's. With that, the movie is almost perfect. Without the context, the movie just seems out of place.

I agree with Marc that Karen Allen is wasted, but so is the character of Mutt Williams.

Also, there were some subtle flaws in the movie that bother me.
[spoiler]At the end, the minister uses the phrase "with the joining of hands" and Marion is holding her bouquet and Indy has his clasped behind him. Also, if Mutt's real name is Henry Jones III, why did he choose "Mutt Williams" and be surprised that Dr. Henry Jones, Jr. is his father?[/spoiler]

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - jimbow8 - 05-28-2008

Ranks third of the four movies, but it would be VERY hard to be as bad as Temple of Doom.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Scott Hajek - 05-28-2008

jimbow8 Wrote:Ranks third of the four movies, but it would be VERY hard to be as bad as Temple of Doom.

I agree that it is either 3rd or 4th, but I don't think that Temple of Doom was that bad.

If a movie were to strive for "badness" it would be very, VERY hard to be as bad as Star Wars Eps 1, 2 or 3. Especially when you factor in hype, expectation and the legacy of the previous movies. At least with the Indiana Jones movies, they are all much, much better as a group than other franchises. Wouldn't you rank all 4 as a group higher than the 6 Star Wars? The 3 Robocops? The 3 Mad Max movies?

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Scott Miller - 05-28-2008

Scott Hajek Wrote:Also, if Mutt's real name is Henry Jones III, why did he choose "Mutt Williams" and be surprised that Dr. Henry Jones, Jr. is his father?[/spoiler]

He was surprised because she married Colin Williams not long after she and Indy split and he apparently didn't know that he wasn't his real father.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - fpw - 05-28-2008

Scott Hajek Wrote:I agree that it is either 3rd or 4th, but I don't think that Temple of Doom was that bad.

If a movie were to strive for "badness" it would be very, VERY hard to be as bad as Star Wars Eps 1, 2 or 3. Especially when you factor in hype, expectation and the legacy of the previous movies. At least with the Indiana Jones movies, they are all much, much better as a group than other franchises. Wouldn't you rank all 4 as a group higher than the 6 Star Wars? The 3 Robocops? The 3 Mad Max movies?

[SIZE="3"]...the 3 Maniac Cop movies?[/SIZE]

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Marc - 05-28-2008

The three Mummy movies? Oh wait! That's what I was watching! They just confused the Ford and Fraiser characters! Now I understand...

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Scott Hajek - 05-28-2008

Marc B. Wrote:The three Mummy movies? Oh wait! That's what I was watching! They just confused the Ford and Fraiser characters! Now I understand...

Don't you mean FOUR Mummy movies?

To be honest, though, I liked the three released to date. The first was pretty good, the second was just okay. It did get stupid with the whole hot air balloon. And "The Scorpion King?" Well... do I really need to say anything?