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My First 4 FPW Books... - jimbow8 - 05-26-2005

I'd worship Lisa and Susan even if they didn't pay me, but I can't afford it. Keep those checks coming!!!!

My First 4 FPW Books... - Maggers - 05-26-2005

Lisa Wrote:It's all them. Susan and I can't help it that we're worthy of worship.

Hail to the Queens, baby.


You got that right, Lisa!

All hail, I say! God save the Queens! Huzzah! Huzzah!

(*exits bowing and scraping and kissing rings and generally grovelling in the most awful fashion*)

My First 4 FPW Books... - Susan - 05-26-2005

Snake Wrote:Spoken like true peasants, bowing down to royalty. Do you guys gets subsidy checks, or do you grovel of your own free will?


Thank you so much for your enlightened post. It was a revelation.

Until now, I had no idea I was becoming such a control freak. I am ashamed of myself. What was I thinking giving my opinion to a newbie who asked for it?

For God sakes, I'm a SUPER MODERATOR, I should know better than that.

Rest assured I will now hang my head in shame.


PS: Do you think I should commit suicide like Britney did in her last video or should I just jump off a cliff?

My First 4 FPW Books... - Snake - 05-26-2005

Susan Wrote:Snake,

Thank you so much for your enlightened post. It was a revelation.

Until now, I had no idea I was becoming such a control freak. I am ashamed of myself. What was I thinking giving my opinion to a newbie who asked for it?

For God sakes, I'm a SUPER MODERATOR, I should know better than that.

Rest assured I will now hang my head in shame.


PS: Do you think I should commit suicide like Britney did in her last video or should I just jump off a cliff?

My, my, my, aren't we all a bit defensive today? I haven't laughed this much at someone in a lonnnnnnng tiiiiiiime! You really should stop taking yourself so seriously. However you would like to commit suicide would be fine with me. Perhaps you could just jump off of your soap box? That seems to be fairly tall.

Your Britney reference means nothing to me. I can honestly say that I've never seen a Britney video (Spears or Murphy or whoever it is you're such a fan of)

As for the rest of you...there was no "Attack" here...just a little humor, which I must say, is sadly lacking around here lately. The "Attack" is just more of Magger's over-dramatizing everything I think. I feel no need to bow down to anyone, and your overwillingness to do so at every opportunity, and to the likes of such condescending characters, is a tad pathetic in my opinion.

I am still allowed an opinion, right? Or do I have to get "Royal Permission" first?

Hmmmm. I wonder what that entails? Bending over previously described soapbox and taking one for the team I suppose...

My First 4 FPW Books... - jimbow8 - 05-26-2005

Snake Wrote:My, my, my, aren't we all a bit defensive today? I haven't laughed this much at someone in a lonnnnnnng tiiiiiiime! You really should stop taking yourself so seriously. However you would like to commit suicide would be fine with me. Perhaps you could just jump off of your soap box? That seems to be fairly tall.

Your Britney reference means nothing to me. I can honestly say that I've never seen a Britney video (Spears or Murphy or whoever it is you're such a fan of)

As for the rest of you...there was no "Attack" here...just a little humor, which I must say, is sadly lacking around here lately. The "Attack" is just more of Magger's over-dramatizing everything I think. I feel no need to bow down to anyone, and your overwillingness to do so at every opportunity, and to the likes of such condescending characters, is a tad pathetic in my opinion.

I am still allowed an opinion, right? Or do I have to get "Royal Permission" first?

Hmmmm. I wonder what that entails? Bending over previously described soapbox and taking one for the team I suppose...
Hmm... for someone complaining about the lack of humor, you sure missed the humor in Susan's post. I guess maybe the problem is that we all know Susan pretty well and understand "where she's coming from," whereas you have been around for about three months and many of your posts seem to be quite antagonistic just for the sake of being antagonistic. Don't get me wrong, you're entitled to this stance, just don't expect it to be popular.

My First 4 FPW Books... - Snake - 05-26-2005

jimbow8 Wrote:Hmm... for someone complaining about the lack of humor, you sure missed the humor in Susan's post. I guess maybe the problem is that we all know Susan pretty well and understand "where she's coming from," whereas you have been around for about three months and many of your posts seem to be quite antagonistic just for the sake of being antagonistic. Don't get me wrong, you're entitled to this stance, just don't expect it to be popular.

That's quite alright Jimbow, popularity is not my goal here.

My First 4 FPW Books... - Maggers - 05-26-2005

Snake Wrote:...The "Attack" is just more of Magger's over-dramatizing everything I think.

It would be hard for me to over-dramatize everything you think. You do a good job of that yourself.

My First 4 FPW Books... - jimbow8 - 05-26-2005

Snake Wrote:That's quite alright Jimbow, popularity is not my goal here.
That's quite clear. What is your goal? It appears to be as contrary and unpopular as you possibly can be. And trust me, knowing most of the backstories from this board, you won't even come close to being the most unpopular, no matter how hard you try.

It's good to have goals, though.

My First 4 FPW Books... - Maggers - 05-26-2005

Snake Wrote:That's quite alright Jimbow, popularity is not my goal here.

Since you've never weighed in on any of FPW's writing, other than to state that you named yourself after the character Snake in "Deep as the Marrow," I'm hard put to figure your goal on the F. Paul Wilson board.

My suspicion is that you're a "dump and run" kinda guy, or girl - love to stir it up, a provocateur.

My First 4 FPW Books... - jimbow8 - 05-26-2005

Maggers Wrote:Since you've never weighed in on any of FPW's writing, other than to state that you named yourself after the character Snake in "Deep as the Marrow," I'm hard put to figure your goal on the F. Paul Wilson board.

My suspicion is that you're a "dump and run" kinda guy, or girl - love to stir it up, a provocateur.
Hey, that's my job, Agent Provocateur . Big Grin

*breaks into a horribly offkey rendition of "I Want to Know What Love Is" *