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JACK: SECRET VENGEANCE trade edition - Scott Miller - 02-05-2011

webby Wrote:And while I was at it, I ordered another YA book that isn't available on Kindle - Z for Zachariah by Robert C. O'Brien. It's the first "TEOTWAWKI" novel I ever read (around the age of 12) and it hooked me on the genre for life.

That is a great book. It has been forever since I read it; a wrong I'm going to have to right.

JACK: SECRET VENGEANCE trade edition - webby - 02-05-2011

Scott Miller Wrote:That is a great book. It has been forever since I read it; a wrong I'm going to have to right.

I haven't read it since I was about 12 years old so I'm also righting that same wrong. I remember the general plot and (more or less) the ending but not many details. I'm anxious to read it again, right after SECRET VENGEANCE.

I'm sure it is a great book, though, because it's stayed with me for over 30 years. God knows how many books I've read and completely forgotten in that time.

JACK: SECRET VENGEANCE trade edition - kelikea808 - 02-07-2011

Sorry perhaps a spoiler in a way:

so i dont know if i'm trying too hard to connect things but here goes. so the family of raccoons in "Pelts" were obviously "different" than any other raccoons. I had initially though it was just the nexus point being so close but after reading "Secret Vengeance" not so sure. The Lady's dog ends up healing the baby raccoon Jack set free by licking its broken legs. She scolds the dog as to not interfere with the ebb & flow of the pines. Could that raccoon saved by the Lady's dog gone off to family generations of "different" raccoons? Being touched/healed by a force different that the normal way of things? Plus, they were Jeb Jameson's traps in both stories that caught the raccoons.....

JACK: SECRET VENGEANCE trade edition - The Mad American - 02-07-2011

kelikea808 Wrote:so i dont know if i'm trying too hard to connect things but here goes. so the family of raccoons in "Pelts" were obviously "different" than any other raccoons. I had initially though it was just the nexus point being so close but after reading "Secret Vengeance" not so sure. The Lady's dog ends up healing the baby raccoon Jack set free by licking its broken legs. She scolds the dog as to not interfere with the ebb & flow of the pines. Could that raccoon saved by the Lady's dog gone off to family generations of "different" raccoons? Being touched/healed by a force different that the normal way of things? Plus, they were Jeb Jameson's traps in both stories that caught the raccoons.....

It is minor but you might want to add a spoiler warning to the start of this post.

JACK: SECRET VENGEANCE trade edition - fpw - 02-07-2011

kelikea808 Wrote:so i dont know if i'm trying too hard to connect things but here goes. so the family of raccoons in "Pelts" were obviously "different" than any other raccoons. I had initially though it was just the nexus point being so close but after reading "Secret Vengeance" not so sure. The Lady's dog ends up healing the baby raccoon Jack set free by licking its broken legs. She scolds the dog as to not interfere with the ebb & flow of the pines. Could that raccoon saved by the Lady's dog gone off to family generations of "different" raccoons? Being touched/healed by a force different that the normal way of things? Plus, they were Jeb Jameson's traps in both stories that caught the raccoons.....
A very good thought, and very possible. Likely, in fact.

JACK: SECRET VENGEANCE trade edition - kelikea808 - 02-07-2011

Likely works for me :bigsmile: Kind of spaced the fact that not everyone has read the book yet so sorry bout the lack of spoiler warning....meant to post in connections thread

JACK: SECRET VENGEANCE trade edition - Mr Osala - 02-24-2011

Just going to pick up my copy, it takes 2 weeks for books to come from the U.S to Germany, can't wait to get it, sit in a fave cafe with a big cappucino, only to realise a while later I've been sitting there for hours, totally engrossedBig Grin

JACK: SECRET VENGEANCE trade edition - Silverfish - 03-22-2011

The Giver is a great little young adult book.
