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LOST Tonight!! - Medusa - 03-29-2007

WHOA! That was the most morbid, creepy ending! I loved it! Cool!

LOST Tonight!! - ccosborne3 - 03-29-2007

The Babe population on the island is getting a little low.

Looking forward to the catfight nextweek. Smile

I like Arzt, hope he weasels his way into more flashbacks.

LOST Tonight!! - Maggers - 03-29-2007

Medusa Wrote:WHOA! That was the most morbid, creepy ending! I loved it! Cool!


Fabulous! I knew they were paralyzed; Arntz' bugs had to come into play. I didn't think they'd be buried completely. I thought they'd wake up before the last scoop of earth fell on them. Too neat!

It was fun seeing snatches of the first year again.

LOST Tonight!! - ccosborne3 - 03-29-2007

How many more episodes left this season?

Cant be too many.

LOST Tonight!! - ccosborne3 - 03-29-2007

Maggers Wrote:SPOILERS.....................

Fabulous! I knew they were paralyzed;

Ditto that. Could tell the way they both had their eyes open.

LOST Tonight!! - Don B - 03-29-2007

Maggers Wrote:SPOILERS.....................

Fabulous! I knew they were paralyzed; Arntz' bugs had to come into play. I didn't think they'd be buried completely. I thought they'd wake up before the last scoop of earth fell on them. Too neat!

It was fun seeing snatches of the first year again.

Yeah, this was another fun episode. The writers seem more relaxed, like a problem with the series had been solved and they could tell different kinds lof stories again.


I enjoyed the flashback intro with Nkki's character - thought I had the wrong station on for a moment - and Sawyers comment a little later (he often says what others are only thinking) "Who's Nikki? Another flashback had Arnzt, talking to a bunch of other unfeatured islanders - "Oh, he's with the A team." I like the little things. I thought it was funny how Paolo and Nikki find the old airplane and the second hatch before Locke and Boone but are so wrapped up in finding the diamonds that these things don't even register as something important to tell the others about. So the story plays out and... it reveals itself to be an old-fashioned (not a bad thing in my opinion) morality play with a wicked twist. Very nice.

LOST Tonight!! - fpw - 03-29-2007

[SIZE="3"]Could have been an episode of the grand old Alfred Hitchcock Presents.[/SIZE]

LOST Tonight!! - metllicamilitia - 03-29-2007

Medusa Wrote:WHOA! That was the most morbid, creepy ending! I loved it! Cool!

I had such deja vu then. I saw this ending before. That's what I hate about deja vu, you know you've seen it before. Link time! To Iron Maiden's Deja Vu. Really good song.

LOST Tonight!! - cobalt - 03-29-2007

I knew they were paralyzed as well. Their pupils were pin-point and their color was all wrong. Technical I know, but WOW...I didn't think they would get buried. One thing still keeps coming up in my thoughts.....I still say this is all in Hurley's mind.

LOST Tonight!! - Medusa - 03-29-2007

All I can say is it couldn't have happened to 2 better deserving people! ha ha