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My First 4 FPW Books... - Brazen - 05-22-2005

Scott Hajek Wrote:I agree with Susan. That order baits, sets the hook, reels you in and makes you a fan for life.

Don't let the self-doubting humor deceive you... Susan knows a lot.

Alrighty! The Select it is. Thanks!! It's late; just finished watching I Robot... no wonder I'm sleepy now. LOL!! Not the best movie out there. Big Grin Let's see how far I get in this first book.

My First 4 FPW Books... - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 05-22-2005

Maggers Wrote:You'll enjoy them all, I guarantee. My personal fav is "Deep as the Marrow." Wait until you meet Poppy!

It's great that your bookstore had so many FPW books available. I went to a Barnes and Noble bookstore in Mahhattan, one of the smaller ones, and not only did they not have a single FPW book of any stripe, the customer service folks had never heard of him.

When I said it was a shame they didn't carry FPW, I was told, "no, not really, if he doesn't sell why should we carry him?"

The audacity!

Sigh. You just can't get good help anymore... In my own joint, I keep Paul's books stocked best as I can through special orders to myself that I then put on the shelf (a rhyme!), and they sell very well (another rhyme!--jeez, maybe I should write a song or sumpthin' :p ).

My First 4 FPW Books... - CANADIANRJFAN - 05-26-2005

H Brazen,

I prefer read books in a series by release date unless (like with Star Wars) prequels are introduced after the initial story. If you would like to read the RJ books this way too you can look inside the book covers for the chronological order in which the series were released.

I read through some of the comments from other members having trouble finding FPW's books & I guess I've been lucky. I only had to go to one bookstore here in Toronto to buy the series & they only had to order-in one book that was sold out.

NightWorld & SIMS look interesting too & I'd like to read them after I finish reading Crisscross.

My First 4 FPW Books... - Scott Miller - 05-26-2005

CANADIANRJFAN Wrote:H Brazen, NightWorld & SIMS look interesting too & I'd like to read them after I finish reading Crisscross.

Slow down, eh. (I couldn't resist) Nightworld is best left until you've read The Keep, Reborn, The Touch and Reprisal. It will be worth the wait.

My First 4 FPW Books... - CANADIANRJFAN - 05-26-2005

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the tips. Smile

My First 4 FPW Books... - Brazen - 05-26-2005

Well I went with The Select to read first. A couple of folks here said that'd be a good one to start with, so that was good enough for me. They also said these 4 that I happened to find weren't part of a series, so could be read in any order.

I'm about halfway finished and am really enjoying it!!! I love finding new authors with long lists of books to catch up on. Big Grin

My First 4 FPW Books... - jimbow8 - 05-26-2005

Brazen Wrote:Well I went with The Select to read first. A couple of folks here said that'd be a good one to start with, so that was good enough for me. They also said these 4 that I happened to find weren't part of a series, so could be read in any order.

I'm about halfway finished and am really enjoying it!!! I love finding new authors with long lists of books to catch up on. Big Grin
We'll expect a full 7-page book report posted here by Monday at 8am. :p Big Grin

Seriously, let us know what you think. That is my favorite non-RJ/AC book of Paul's.

My First 4 FPW Books... - Snake - 05-26-2005

Scott Hajek Wrote:Don't let the self-doubting humor deceive you... Susan knows a lot.

Biggles Wrote:True. She does her best to hide it behind that self-effacing (yet incredibly beautiful) exterior, but Susan is definitely with it!

Spoken like true peasants, bowing down to royalty. Do you guys gets subsidy checks, or do you grovel of your own free will?

My First 4 FPW Books... - Maggers - 05-26-2005

Snake Wrote:Spoken like true peasants, bowing down to royalty. Do you guys gets subsidy checks, or do you grovel of your own free will?

Susan and Lisa pay us a great deal to grovel. We like the money and we don't mind the incessant bowing and scraping one single bit.

We know them; we've met them personally. Therefore, any comments written about them come from direct experience. Both Lisa and Susan are great people, fun to be with and wonderful to know as friends.

Wonder why you feel the need to attack....

My First 4 FPW Books... - Lisa - 05-26-2005

Snake Wrote:Spoken like true peasants, bowing down to royalty. Do you guys gets subsidy checks, or do you grovel of your own free will?

It's all them. Susan and I can't help it that we're worthy of worship.

Hail to the Queens, baby.
