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Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 12-09-2013

I loved Get A Horse; easily the best short I've seen in ages. Frozen itself was OK.

I just watched The Accountant, a short of a different sort. It won an Academy Award a few years ago though I'd never heard of it but became intrigued seeing it starred Walton Goggins. It is definitely worth a look.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - fpw - 12-10-2013

I was taken by the details of the "Frozen" animation -- how a Anna's sleeve would ruffle in the breeze as she was talking. It's throwaway animation -- the conversation was the focus -- but still it ruffled. I'll check out "The Accountant."

Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 12-10-2013

fpw Wrote:I was taken by the details of the "Frozen" animation -- how a Anna's sleeve would ruffle in the breeze as she was talking. It's throwaway animation -- the conversation was the focus -- but still it ruffled. I'll check out "The Accountant."

I'm a total sucker for computer animation and Frozen was impressive from a visual standpoint but I thought the story and especially the music were rather average and completely aimed at a juvenile audience. Not that there is anything wrong with that but it didn't work on two levels like my favorite children's films do.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - fpw - 12-11-2013

I found it refreshing that the sweet Prince Charming turns out to be a homicidal sociopath.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 01-08-2014

Just wanted to say that The Clueless Kid's tweets crack me up.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - fpw - 01-08-2014

Same here. Plenty of funny ones I don't share because I don't want to overdue the retweets.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 01-13-2014

So when is Jack going to do some work for Limbus, Inc.? I picked it up on friday from the library because Joseph Nassise has a story in it, noticed that you blurbed it and after have read the first three stories it seems like they could find plenty of work for a man with Jack's talents. It is a great idea for a shared universe for sure and I've really liked all three stories.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - fpw - 01-13-2014

More coming, but no time in my schedule.

Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 01-15-2014

fpw Wrote:More coming, but no time in my schedule.

I was kidding but it would afford you the opportunity to write Jack into a scenario that could be free of any strings you've created with the series...

Non Facebooker Facebooking - Scott Miller - 03-19-2014

While I am now a FBer you don't have room for anymore friends and I didn't want to post on your page so here it is, combining two of your loves rockabilly and Bride of Frankenstein