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New Painting: Surprise! - Lisa - 06-27-2011

Wow, very nice!!! You're so talented.

New Painting: Surprise! - fpw - 06-27-2011

Do I really have that much gray in my hair?

New Painting: Surprise! - Peter - 06-27-2011

Don't complain Sir, you have about five times as much hair as I do! Grey would be OK.

New Painting: Surprise! - Ludovic - 06-27-2011

fpw Wrote:Do I really have that much gray in my hair?

If you prefer, I can paint them red!Wink

New Painting: Surprise! - Tony H - 06-27-2011

fpw Wrote:Do I really have that much gray in my hair?

Don't be so pessimistic Paul. Think of it as "Hardly any pesky color".

New Painting: Surprise! - Ludovic - 06-27-2011

Thank you rjack_fan, Brian, Webby, KRW, Libby, Lisa, Peter and Asmoral for your compliments and support, it's going direct to my heart because it was a difficult challenge. I've spent many hours to realise this painting, and your words are really welcome.
Till soon,


New Painting: Surprise! - quikfix228 - 06-27-2011

that is awesome! very nice work. Id like to see a sweet ass painting of the train scene from hosts! id like to see your vision of the Savior! good work

New Painting: Surprise! - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 06-27-2011

Ludovic Wrote:Thank you rjack_fan, Brian, Webby, KRW, Libby, Lisa, Peter and Asmoral for your compliments and support, it's going direct to my heart because it was a difficult challenge. I've spent many hours to realise this painting, and your words are really welcome.
Till soon,


Keep 'em comin', Ludovic. Every artist wants an appreciative audience, and you've sure got one here.

New Painting: Surprise! - Ludovic - 06-28-2011

Thank you quikfix and Mike!
For a next painting, I don't know yet... there is so much propositions! I will see and will show you then.

Till soon!:thumbsup:


New Painting: Surprise! - mad4tunes - 06-28-2011

Libby Wrote:What is the medium?

Ah, Libby...the medium is the message!

Great work, Lud.