GROUND ZERO - the Forge cover - Printable Version

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GROUND ZERO - the Forge cover - Jamo - 02-07-2009

Really nice cover!
An other RJ novel? nice! What comes after Bloodline? By the sword and this one?

GROUND ZERO - the Forge cover - Kenji - 02-07-2009

fpw Wrote:I like it.

I like that cover art, too. Fantastic!

At last, Jack turned around to front. Big Grin

GROUND ZERO - the Forge cover - swandy - 02-08-2009

I really like the cover artwork and the way the bottom image leads one into the top one.
Having said that: Since I have not read "Ground Zero" yet I am not sure about the actual plot lines, based upon the cover I would assume that the Trade Center or what is now known as Ground Zero play an integral part in the plot. Because - as a life-long New Yorker who lived through 9/11 - I would feel that if that is not the case, you (or your publisher) might be playing on people's emotions even after so long to draw attention to the book by using images too tightly associated with the term "Ground Zero".
Again, these are just my opinion and I did not post this to start a heated discussion. But that was the first thing that went through my mind (what there is of one) when I saw the cover art.
Still looking forward to reading it!!!

BTW - I just noticed the older thread where you (FPW) posted the first page of "Ground Zero", so I guess that answers my question about "integral part in the plot".

GROUND ZERO - the Forge cover - Scott Miller - 02-09-2009

swandy Wrote:Because - as a life-long New Yorker who lived through 9/11 - I would feel that if that is not the case, you (or your publisher) might be playing on people's emotions even after so long to draw attention to the book by using images too tightly associated with the term "Ground Zero".

I think the cover rocks because of this, it is horror's task to constantly evolve and incorporate the new fears that creep into our lives; to hold up the mirror.

GROUND ZERO - the Forge cover - swandy - 02-09-2009

I agree in theory with your ideas of horror as a genre evolving, but never the less, I would be very surprised if at least some people did not react to the cover the way I did. Especially people who live in the NYC Area and actually lived through it. Not saying that people who live elsewhere can't be sympathetic/understanding of what occured, but you don't get the same reaction. Sort of like the people who live/work in Oklahoma City when they drive by the memorial park where the building was blown up. Not better/worse - just different.

GROUND ZERO - the Forge cover - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 02-09-2009

fpw Wrote:I like it.


GROUND ZERO - the Forge cover - Scott Miller - 02-09-2009

swandy Wrote:Scott,
I agree in theory with your ideas of horror as a genre evolving, but never the less, I would be very surprised if at least some people did not react to the cover the way I did. Steve

I agree that the reaction to the cover may be mixed, but horror isn't supposed to play it safe. Not having experienced it first hand or even anything remotely close, I can say that it still affects me when I see the NY skyline or hear 9/11 or ground zero because I cannot hear or see these things without being reminded of the tragedy. The cover is sure to evoke many different feelings but aren't feelings better to deal with when they are out in the open?

GROUND ZERO - the Forge cover - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 02-09-2009

Kenji Wrote:I like that cover art, too. Fantastic!

At last, Jack turned around to front. Big Grin

Keni, I thought that too at first...well, that's Jack. Hmmm...thought he'd be taller...look more like me...

But why is that necessarily Jack?

If I'd done the cover, and I wanted Jack in it, I'd have Jack and Gia and Vicky standing together at Ground Zero, holding hands.

Could be an effective image?

GROUND ZERO - the Forge cover - fpw - 02-09-2009

I'm resigned to the fact that Ground Zero will piss off certain people. It comes with the territory. I knew that going in and I'm ready for it. What annoys me is how some people feel they own that incident and no one can address it in fiction unless it conforms to their take. But nobody has dibs on it. It was a tragedy, yes, but it's also an historical event.

GROUND ZERO - the Forge cover - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 02-09-2009

fpw Wrote:I'm resigned to the fact that Ground Zero will piss off certain people. It comes with the territory. I knew that going in and I'm ready for it. What annoys me is how some people feel they own that incident and no one can address it in fiction unless it conforms to their take. But nobody has dibs on it. It was a tragedy, yes, but it's also an historical event.

Gotta disagree with you there, Paul. A lightning bolt killing a child is a tragedy. The Attack was an act of war against the United States of America, and, by extension, the West. It really is "Us or Them". Bush, for all his errors, understood that. I don't think Obama will until a dirty bomb goes off outside the Capitol.