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Checking back a few questions... - Bluesman Mike Lindner - 12-15-2008

NickelobLight Wrote:Gateways was the second RJ book I read, (I bought it and Criss-Cross at the same time), precisely BECAUSE it took place in my home state. But no, these aren't as you put it, strange zombie-like monstrosities in Florida. The zombie apocalypse is immediate and world-wide. My story revolves around characters in Florida.

I have to go to work soon, but I'll leave you this. My zombies have an origin that is VERY original, and actually stated. Yes, unlike Romero, I give a reason for the zombie apocalypse. Also, my characters do not do the classic zombie-movie "What are those THINGS? Those THINGS are out there!" dialogue. And you know how in most zombie movies, they're never called zombies? No, they're called zombies almost immediately. I mean, its 2008. If any one of us sees a bunch of bloody people stumbling around, missing limbs, and eating other people, we KNOW that they're zombies, and your average person KNOWS to aim for the head.

An easy way to describe my book? You ever see the original Dawn of the Dead? If not, there's a scene near the beginning. A bunch of good-old-boys are in a field drinking beer and shooting zombies while our main characters fly overhead in a helicopter, (said good-old-boys will henceforth be known as 'my people.'). The blonde looks down at my people and says "Look at those rednecks. They're probably having fun." or words to that effect. She seems very snotty about this. I mean, if I have a rifle, lots of ammo, buddies, beer, and I'm in a field being approached by slow zombies, I'd make lemonade out of those lemons, wouldn't you? Romero makes another reference to my people at the end of Diary of the Dead, and wonders about mankind's soul or something like that when a couple of my people string a zombie up and blow its head off. Sorry George, I'm not buying it. When the inevitable zombie apocalypse happens, you'll be praying there are some of my people around. Bank on it.

Anyway, my book is about those people in the field. Well, not those people. They're old by now. No, it's about their spiritual descendants, and I'll stop here and go brush my teeth, since I have to go leave to go care for the criminally insane. Until later...

If zombies were on the rise, unstoppable, Nick, I think I'd pray harder than I ever had in my life, listen to PET SOUNDS for the last time, have a beer, and pretty much go bugfuck nuts.

But that's just my take.Rolleyes

Checking back a few questions... - wdg3rd - 12-16-2008

NickelobLight Wrote:and I'll stop here and go brush my teeth, since I have to go leave to go care for the criminally insane. Until later...

It must be nice, having a job you can actually look forward to getting to.

Checking back a few questions... - Wapitikev - 12-16-2008

wdg3rd Wrote:It must be nice, having a job you can actually look forward to getting to.

It is.

Find one and go get it WD. We all believe in you!


Checking back a few questions... - NickelobLight - 12-16-2008

wdg3rd Wrote:It must be nice, having a job you can actually look forward to getting to.

Woah woah woah.

Who said anything about looking forward to getting to my job?

It's just something I do until I can get published. That's all, (well something I've been doing for the last five and a half years, but still...). And you know how some people say "My job is a real nuthouse," or "It was a real nuthouse at work today,"? Yeah, when I say it...I mean it. But that is neither here nor there.

Checking back a few questions... - wdg3rd - 12-16-2008

Wapitikev Wrote:It is.

Find one and go get it WD. We all believe in you!


Right now I'm keeping a death-grip on this dead-end clerk job for the medical plan -- La Esposa has a number of problems. And I don't think the current economy is the best time to open a restaurant.

Checking back a few questions... - NickelobLight - 12-17-2008

wdg3rd Wrote:Right now I'm keeping a death-grip on this dead-end clerk job for the medical plan -- La Esposa has a number of problems. And I don't think the current economy is the best time to open a restaurant.

It's why I didn't move to Ft. Myers this past summer. Alll the places that need direct care staff down there would NOT interview me in advance. They kept telling me, 'move down here, then interview.' No, I'm not moving down there until I have a job in hand. Douche.

Checking back a few questions... - NickelobLight - 12-20-2008

Okay, so I bought and read By The Sword yesterday. Wow.

[SPOILER]I was impressed that RJ played not two but three sides against each other. I also think FPW did a great job of making the reader feel as confused as RJ when he gets contacted by Slater a second time. I was wondering what the hell was going on, just as RJ was. I am very happy that FPW threw Glaeken out there in the beginning, so I didn't have to read all the way through to get some answers, as tension builds and builds. I like're only like a dozen pages in, and BAM! It's Glaeken. And Dr. Wilson, thank you, thank you thank you for explaining the origins of the Twins. It was the one aspect in this whole series that just bugged the hell out of me. I mean, you could have made them spring fully grown out of Zeus' head for all I cared, just give me an origin! And you did. Thank you. Oh, and now you've got me all spun around with the Lady saying she's not exactly Mother Earth. I had been under the impression since Gateways that that is exactly what the Lady was. Now you've gone and changed it on me. Nuts.

Anyway, well done. You have no idea how hard it was ever since that limited run came out not to find some sort of spoilers, or read what you all had to say about it. And hell, I know Nightworld is out there, and if I really wanted, I could buy a used copy, but I'll wait the few more years, twitching like a heroin addict whenever I think about the fact that I can but won't read it...yet.[/SPOILER]

I was very impressed, and very entertained. Bravo!

Checking back a few questions... - Tomm - 12-20-2008

Thanks to whom ever blacked out that spoil. I waiting for my copy for Christmas

Checking back a few questions... - Wapitikev - 12-21-2008

Tomm Wrote:Thanks to whom ever blacked out that spoil. I waiting for my copy for Christmas

Welcome, Tomm. You'll like it here.

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