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More RJ Wallpaper Goodness - jimbow8 - 07-08-2004

nijimeijer Wrote:
Marc B. Wrote:What about us Mac-ies who have icons on the right? Big Grin
I'm sorry, I was referring to people using computers, not toys. :p

Ouch! Good one, Niji. High Five!!

Get a real puter, Marc! Wink One with icons on the left, like God intended.

More RJ Wallpaper Goodness - Biggles - 07-08-2004

Scott Hajek Wrote:One look and I replaced a picture of my family at Disney World with this new one. It's great!

Gee Scott, nice to know your priorities are straight. BTW, anyone out there willing to trade a first edition of The Tomb for one of my dogs? (Just kidding girls, daddy would never trade you for anything.) Smile

More RJ Wallpaper Goodness - Biggles - 07-08-2004

Animagess Wrote:Yet another wallpaper! I spent almost a whole day making this one up. I neglected to add the copyright stuff this time around, but I shouldn't have to tell you that this picture should remain here and maybe on some forum member's desktops. I don't want to see it as the background for some random guy's personal online photo album.

Um, some comments... I couldn't remember which way Jack's scars pointed, so just ignore it if they're backwards or whatever. This came from a photo (you can see below) of the pine barrens that I swiped from someone (you'd never know, though). Up in the sky are some giant bugs pouring out of a hole, and there are some balls of light flying around, and yeah, general Otherness creepy-type stuff going on.

I know the bugs were supposed to come out of a hole in the ground, but there was no room, and besides it looks kinda cool this way. Well, I hope your eyeballs enjoy (and this time I got the proportions right, so feel free to actually use this as a wallpaper!).

I love you, digital airbrush.

[Image: jack_wall.jpg]

Here's the original picture. Many thanks to Mike Baker, whoever he is.

[Image: P000902.jpg]

I'm duly impressed! You have a great talent. Keep up the good work.

More RJ Wallpaper Goodness - nonsun blob a - 07-09-2004

that wall paper is awesome, and reminds me of the end part of atr. very nice. so long rei ayanami..