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Favorite Christmas Movies - matthewsmommy - 12-03-2005

matthewsmommy Wrote:Or Holiday Movies, if ya wanna be PC. So, what are yours?
Most of my faves are the cartoons....The Grinch, of course (the original!)
-Charlie Brown Christmas
-I LOVE Mickey's once upon a Christmas (with Mickey's Christmas Carol)
-Miracle on 34th street
Now that I've started this thread, I can't think of more......
I have no idea how I managed to leave out Rudolph, Frosty, or Wonderful Life. And I love Die Hard and Home Alone.
I'm one of the few people I know who doesn't like A Christmas Story. I haven't watched it since elementary school, though. Maybe it's time for another go.

Favorite Christmas Movies - t4terrific - 12-03-2005

Kenji Wrote:Oh, and another one. This is also my fave one. "Scrooged". Bill Murray's hilarious comedy, and ghost story. I liked that las scene.

Well, I like comedy, after all. Big Grin

I like Scrooged a lot too.

Favorite Christmas Movies - Scott Miller - 12-03-2005

Mike Wrote:"The Ref" with Denis Leary is the best Christmas movie ever. I highly recommend it! Big Grin

I love The Ref, but must admit I didn't remember it was set during the Holidays until you brought it up. Comedy doesn't come much darker, maybe that's why it didn't register as a Christmas movie.

Favorite Christmas Movies - fpw - 12-03-2005

Maggers Wrote:5. 1951 version of "The Christmas Carol" starring Alistair Sims

That's mine. I make a point of watching the Alistair Sims Christmas Carol every year. I never tire of his giddy transformation on Christmas morning.

Favorite Christmas Movies - jaybird - 12-03-2005

I cant believe no one has said National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. I love Chevy Chase. He plays His character So well.

Favorite Christmas Movies - Kenji - 12-03-2005

jaybird Wrote:I cant believe no one has said National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. I love Chevy Chase. He plays His character So well.

I said "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation" in #4. Smile

I like Chevy Chase's movies. Especially National Lampoon series. European Vacation is best!

Favorite Christmas Movies - Maggers - 12-03-2005

fpw Wrote:That's mine. I make a point of watching the Alistair Sims Christmas Carol every year. I never tire of his giddy transformation on Christmas morning.

When we were little, we'd get up around 4 AM and find it somewhere on TV. It has to be Alistair Sims. It's been that way ever since - must see it every year.

Have you noticed one of the scenes in Scrooge's bedroom where he's near a mirror. At one point you can see a stage hand in the mirror.

Favorite Christmas Movies - saynomore - 12-04-2005

Some movies have Christmas backdrops that don't really have that Christmas ending. "The Ice Harvest" is set at Christmastime, but it's not really a Christmas movie. That said: My picks are:

Bad Santa: There are laughs and tears in this movie, and they blend seamlessly toward that Christmasy ending.

The Wool Cap: This updated remake of Jackie Gleason's Gigot stars William H. Macy in the Gleason role. Will he or won't he be able to adopt the little orphan girl? Of course. This is a Christmas movie.

Miracle on 34th Street: The original can't be topped.

The Godfather: Okay, okay. Not really Christmasy, but it's always great spending Christmas with the Corleones. "Tom, if I wanted you dead, you'd be dead already."

March of the Wooden Soldiers: How could you not put this great Laurel and Hardy movie on the Christmas movie list? We watch this movie every year for Christmas Eve (Godfather for Christmas Day, and the others between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day.


P.S. Cindy saw "It's a Wonderful Life" for the first time last year, and now it's a favorite in her family every Christmas Season when it comes out on NBC.

Favorite Christmas Movies - fpw - 12-04-2005

Gotta say I've never liked It's a Wonderful Life. Just seems to try too hard. No whimsy. Give me Miracle on 34th Street or A Christmas Story any day over that.

Favorite Christmas Movies - saynomore - 12-04-2005

fpw Wrote:Gotta say I've never liked It's a Wonderful Life. Just seems to try too hard. No whimsy. Give me Miracle on 34th Street or A Christmas Story any day over that.

Cindy liked it because it made her cry at the end, but you're right about the bleak picture it paints just to get to that ending.

I'm a "A Christmas Story" man myself, but many people (especially women) tell me that this is a "guy" movie. Never thought about that way, but I guess it is: Bullies, b-b guns, big dogs, and a !@#*$-talking dad--sure sounds like a "guy" movie.


P.S. Wouldn't that make "Die Hard" a "guy" movie as well?