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Creepiest scene in an FPW book - Cenobite - 01-23-2011

Hi, first posting!

Anyway, I was thinking, what do you think would be the scariest/most disturbing scene in one of FPW's novels? For me, personally, it was in Reborn, when Carol Stevens is in the church, and envisions/hallucinates Mary and Jesus talking to her. The line "Would you undo all He suffered for?" chilled me to the bone.

Any opinions?

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - fpw - 01-23-2011

Cenobite Wrote:Hi, first posting!

Anyway, I was thinking, what do you think would be the scariest/most disturbing scene in one of FPW's novels? For me, personally, it was in Reborn, when Carol Stevens is in the church, and envisions/hallucinates Mary and Jesus talking to her. The line "Would you undo all He suffered for?" chilled me to the bone.

Any opinions?
I remember being creeped out when I wrote it. A lot of messing with Christian heads in that book.

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - Scott Miller - 01-23-2011

Cenobite Wrote:Hi, first posting!

Anyway, I was thinking, what do you think would be the scariest/most disturbing scene in one of FPW's novels? For me, personally, it was in Reborn, when Carol Stevens is in the church, and envisions/hallucinates Mary and Jesus talking to her. The line "Would you undo all He suffered for?" chilled me to the bone.

Any opinions?

I thought all of Carol's visions were creepy. The one you mention, the slaughter of the innocents but the one where he is working with Vlad the Impaler where he shakes the stick is the most wicked thing I've read. IMO Reborn is the best horror novel ever and is FPW's most underrated book.

And welcome to the board.

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - IanSF - 01-23-2011

Welcome aboard, Cenobite.

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - kelikea808 - 01-24-2011

The unveiling of Ozymandia's deformity was pretty creepy, but the scene where lil' girl leads Jack & friends into a basement with a blood whirlpool made me glad i dont have a basement.

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - The Mad American - 01-24-2011

Any of the scenes with Father Bill (why did I have Ryan on the brain?) after he finds Danny crucified or the scenes revolving around the burial/grave have stuck with me since I originally read the book.

Such horrible scenes but so compelling to the story and the character of Father Bill. Haunting stuff. Nightmares are made of this, and I rarely can say that about anything I read. It wasn't just over the top torture porn, it forced you to be so invested in the characters that you felt as if you were personally involved.

Btw, Welcome Cenobite....Pinhead or just one of the lackeys?Smile

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - Karithna - 01-24-2011

Boy, the adversary cycle sure seems to get good creepy reviews. I was just thinking either Father Bill burying Danny or Digging him up (which I just read this morning). Does this count as spoilers?

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - webby - 01-24-2011

The Mad American Wrote:Any of the scenes with Father Bill (why did I have Ryan on the brain?) after he finds Danny crucified or the scenes revolving around the burial/grave have stuck with me since I originally read the book.

Such horrible scenes but so compelling to the story and the character of Father Bill. Haunting stuff. Nightmares are made of this, and I rarely can say that about anything I read. It wasn't just over the top torture porn, it forced you to be so invested in the characters that you felt as if you were personally involved.

Btw, Welcome Cenobite....Pinhead or just one of the lackeys?Smile

Couldn't agree more.

I've read a lot of creepy things in my life and not just from so-called "horror" writers either, though I read everything by King and Koontz for many years. Nothing -- NOTHING -- ever creeped me out like the Father Bill / Danny scenes. Especially their last scene.

Brrr. It still gives me chills just remembering.

Possible Spoilers for FATAL ERROR and THE DARK AT THE END...
[SPOILER]IIRC, Glaeken was preparing for that final Father Bill / Danny scene near the end of FATAL ERROR. Will we be visiting that particular nightmare again in TDATE? I'm guessing yes.[/SPOILER]

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - Brian - 01-24-2011

Father Bill and Danny scenes come to mind, but I also think of Pelts. The scene where the character (I'm drawing a blank at his name) skins himself. That creeped me right the hell out.

Creepiest scene in an FPW book - KRW - 01-24-2011

webby Wrote:Couldn't agree more.

I've read a lot of creepy things in my life and not just from so-called "horror" writers either, though I read everything by King and Koontz for many years. Nothing -- NOTHING -- ever creeped me out like the Father Bill / Danny scenes. Especially their last scene.

Brrr. It still gives me chills just remembering.

Possible Spoilers for FATAL ERROR and THE DARK AT THE END...
[SPOILER]IIRC, Glaeken was preparing for that final Father Bill / Danny scene near the end of FATAL ERROR. Will we be visiting that particular nightmare again in TDATE? I'm guessing yes.[/SPOILER]

No, it actually happened at the end of "Fatal Error".[SPOILER]Remember Glaeken asking a favor of Jack to take him to the cemetery and bring along a gallon of gas?[/SPOILER] "Reprisal" ends the same time "Fatal Error" does. Jack's even released from his promise at the end.Wink