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Fringe - Marc - 09-10-2008

Did anyone watch Abram's new series "Fringe" last night? I thought it was pretty good. Sort of a "Lost" meets "X-Files".

Fringe - Don B - 09-10-2008

Marc Wrote:Did anyone watch Abram's new series "Fringe" last night? I thought it was pretty good. Sort of a "Lost" meets "X-Files".

I watched Fringe last night and liked it. I did have some problems with the storytelling style but figure that might be the result of this being a pilot. Pilots are often problematic, being shot on a small budget and having a lot of ground to cover (meeting the characters, setting up the world of the show, and moving the plot from zero to the point where episodes can begin). I liked the main characters and the basic setup but I hope Fringe turns out to more X-Files than Lost, with stand alone and character episodes mixed in with the mythology episodes furthering a season(s) long story arc.

Fringe - fpw - 09-10-2008

[SIZE="3"]My take: Very X-Files-ish and kind of slow. Lots of sloppy plotting and lapses of logic. Had a kind of slap-dash, thrown-together feel. I'll give it 1 or 2 more shots (out of deference to Lost's creator), but if this is typical quality, I'm outta there.[/SIZE]

Fringe - Marc - 09-10-2008

Don... from what I've read the episodes will be stand alone but tie into an overall story arch which we definitely were introduced to in the pilot. I agree with you and Paul that were problems but am willing to give it a chance because, as you said, pilots often are a little off from what they become.

Fringe - GeraldRice - 09-10-2008

I only saw about 15 mins because my wife was watching "Baby Mama", but I'm going to keep my nose open for a rebroadcast.

Fringe - Scott Miller - 09-10-2008

GeraldRice Wrote:I only saw about 15 mins because my wife was watching "Baby Mama", but I'm going to keep my nose open for a rebroadcast.

A TV bloodhound.

Fringe - Alvin Fox - 09-10-2008

You know what would be awesome? If Lance Reddick's character is the same one as in Lost. Just giving a false name to hide the fact that he's with the FBI. But, yeah, it was a bit slow. Little over an hour in I start looking at the time and thinking, 'How much longer?'

Fringe - beowulf - 09-10-2008

I really enjoyed it. The story was quite compelling although Josh Jackson's acting was a little cheesey - he was still Pacey.

As far as being a cheap pilot, I heard on the radio that this pilot cost nearly $10 million to make.

Kudos to Mr. Abrams!

Fringe - Scott Hajek - 09-11-2008

fpw Wrote:My take: Very X-Files-ish and kind of slow. Lots of sloppy plotting and lapses of logic. Had a kind of slap-dash, thrown-together feel. I'll give it 1 or 2 more shots (out of deference to Lost's creator), but if this is typical quality, I'm outta there.

I agree completely. I haven't finished watching the pilot, though. I fell asleep twice. I'll finish it tonight, but it seems as if it's trying too hard to be different, but it's almost too much like X-Files.

Fringe - Gard - 09-11-2008

I tried to keep my mind on it, but after a series of sometimes ponderous cliches and some science that just couldn't pass muster, I found myself turning to another TV, where my niece was watching "Wipeout". Gotta say, once I realized I could watch the rest of "Fringe" online, I dropped it, and enjoyed the laughs of the latter program. It's mindless entertainment, but it was more of a draw for me than "Fringe".

I'll stick with "Torchwood" and, I've been told, I should watch "Supernatural". Might give this one another shot, but with limited time... gotta choose TV viewing carefully nowadays!