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Looking for Virgin in Hardcover - jpwynn - 03-17-2004

As I'm trying to collect anything that F. Paul Wilson has worked on, I'm trying to track down a copy of Virgin. But I always get hardcover copies of everything, but can't find any in HC. Was it only published in paperback? Am I just wasting my time?


Looking for Virgin in Hardcover - Scott Hajek - 03-17-2004

I believe that there are only two FPW books that are only in paperback:

The Tery and Virgin
Everything else, other than some of the anthologies, are in hardcover.

Looking for Virgin in Hardcover - Biggles - 03-17-2004

jpwynn Wrote:As I'm trying to collect anything that F. Paul Wilson has worked on, I'm trying to track down a copy of Virgin. But I always get hardcover copies of everything, but can't find any in HC. Was it only published in paperback? Am I just wasting my time?


The good news is "Virgin" is readily available used (in good condition) in paperback at Amazon.

Looking for Virgin in Hardcover - fpw - 03-18-2004

jpwynn Wrote:I'm trying to track down a copy of Virgin. Was it only published in paperback? Am I just wasting my time?

Yes, and yes. But a small press wants to do it in hardcover. No firm deal yet. And I have to revise the text to bring it into the 21st century.


Looking for Virgin in Hardcover - jimbow8 - 03-18-2004

fpw Wrote:Yes, and yes. But a small press wants to do it in hardcover. No firm deal yet. And I have to revise the text to bring it into the 21st century.

Why? If you keep doing that, we'll have to start calling you George Lucas. Wink

Looking for Virgin in Hardcover - Tim Hatch - 03-18-2004

fpw Wrote:Yes, and yes. But a small press wants to do it in hardcover. No firm deal yet. And I have to revise the text to bring it into the 21st century.


I have a copy of _Virgin_ with a bookplate signed by Mary Elizabeth Murphy. Did your wife sign a few of these?

Looking for Virgin in Hardcover - Ken Valentine - 03-18-2004

Scott Hajek Wrote:I believe that there are only two FPW books that are only in paperback:

The Tery and Virgin
Everything else, other than some of the anthologies, are in hardcover.

Dydeetown World is only in paperback, Healer, and Wheels Within Wheels might also only be available in paperback.

Ken V.

Looking for Virgin in Hardcover - Dave - 03-18-2004

Ken Valentine Wrote:Dydeetown World is only in paperback, Healer, and Wheels Within Wheels might also only be available in paperback.

Ken V.

Healer and Enemy of the State were reprinted in Hardback by Stealth Press a few years back, they folded before they got to Wheels Within Wheels.

But WWW is at least in small hardback form, as Paul handed out a couple of old copies when he met us in Baltimore for the first GU.

No idea about Dydeetown World, so I'll go along with you on that one.


Looking for Virgin in Hardcover - Scott Hajek - 03-18-2004

Dave Wrote:No idea about Dydeetown World, so I'll go along with you on that one.


Dydeetown World was published in an Easton Press "First Edition" series... Leatherbound, signed.

But, now if Virgin is going to be in HC soon, we just have to work on Paul to get The Tery reprinted in HC, too.

Looking for Virgin in Hardcover - jpwynn - 03-19-2004

Scott Hajek Wrote:Dydeetown World was published in an Easton Press "First Edition" series... Leatherbound, signed.

But, now if Virgin is going to be in HC soon, we just have to work on Paul to get The Tery reprinted in HC, too.

Yeah, I got a copy of that Easton Press Dydeetown World. And it was a pretty penny, but worth it. However, it's in PERFECT condition (never been opened except by Wilson who autographed it) and I can't read it, so I have to get another copy just so I can read it. I'm not THAT much of a fanatic about books, but this one is just TOO nice!