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The Incredibles vs Stephen King - fpw - 02-06-2008

[SIZE="3"]Watched this again last night. It's even better on re-viewing. But I was struck this time by how much Mr. Incredible's boss looks like Stephen King. Anyone else see what I'm talking about?[/SIZE]

The Incredibles vs Stephen King - Noelie - 02-06-2008

That's exactly who he looks like, but I couldn't figure it out til you said it. Every time I watch it, I think to myself, "Who the hell does he look like?!", one of those little things that drives you nuts. Thanks for clearing that up.

The Incredibles vs Stephen King - Scott Miller - 02-06-2008

"They've penetrated the bureaucracy!" is one of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies.

The Incredibles vs Stephen King - Blake - 02-06-2008

Ha! I never noticed that before! I definitely see it. Now I'll probably never be able to watch it without thinking of it.

My favorite character is Edna:

"I cut it a little roomy for the free movement... the fabric is comfortable for sensitive skin... and it can also withstand a temperature of over 1000 degrees! Completely bulletproof... and machine washable, darling. That's a new feature."

The look on her face when she makes the temperature comment is absolutely priceless.

My two-and-a-half-year-old daughter is hooked on The Incredibles and Ratatouille. She watches at least one of them almost every day. It's a testament to how great those movies are that I'm still not tired of either one!


The Incredibles vs Stephen King - Kenji - 02-07-2008

Stephen King....? Hmmm......not sure. [Image: confused0083.gif]

I'll see it again.

By the way, Edna looked like Linda Hunt.

The Incredibles vs Stephen King - Schwinn160 - 02-07-2008

fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]Watched this again last night. It's even better on re-viewing. But I was struck this time by how much Mr. Incredible's boss looks like Stephen King. Anyone else see what I'm talking about?[/SIZE]

I thought this was going to be like the Wolverine vs. Spiderman thread. Big Grin

Stephen King would win, the Incredibles aren't nearly as scary.

And yes, he DOES look like him.

The Incredibles vs Stephen King - Noelie - 02-07-2008

I love Edna! "Fine. I will also fix the hobo suit." makes me laugh every time. Smile

The Incredibles vs Stephen King - GeraldRice - 02-07-2008

I would have never thought of that. Isn't Stephen King a giant, tho?

Frozone looks a teeny bit like Samuel L. Jackson.

The Incredibles vs Stephen King - beowulf - 02-07-2008

I don't know about Stephen King but when Mr. Incredible throws the little jerk through the wall I giggle every time!

The Incredibles vs Stephen King - saynomore - 02-07-2008

I initially thought it was a jab at SK's height, but if memory serves, isn't he like 6 foot something?


P.S. And don't forget: Wallace Shawn voices the boss character.