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The Village - Susan - 07-29-2004

I'm DYING to see this movie!! I hope to see if this weekend. Whoever sees it first, please post your comments (no spoilers, please) here.

CNN gave it a great review:

Susan (huge Shyamalan fan)

The Village - Scott Hajek - 07-29-2004

Susan Wrote:I'm DYING to see this movie!! I hope to see if this weekend. Whoever sees it first, please post your comments (no spoilers, please) here.

CNN gave it a great review:

Susan (huge Shyamalan fan)

Why, I must ask, are you a "huge" fan?
While I did enjoy his other films, I think he got lucky with "Sixth Sense" and blew it with "Signs."

The Village - Susan - 07-29-2004

Scott Hajek Wrote:Why, I must ask, are you a "huge" fan?
While I did enjoy his other films, I think he got lucky with "Sixth Sense" and blew it with "Signs."

I know a lot of people (including The Man) felt cheated by Signs, but I loved it. The birthday party scene scared me to death. I screamed all the way through it. It was just scary fun from beginning to end.

I should explain that I love to be scared, but not terrified. For example, I couldn't finish watching The Ring because it scared me down in a place I'd rather not access. Same with The Exorcist. For me Shyamalan's films are perfect. I get to be scared and entertained. Pure escapism executed elegantly and with no bitter aftertaste!


The Village - jimbow8 - 07-29-2004

Scott Hajek Wrote:Why, I must ask, are you a "huge" fan?
While I did enjoy his other films, I think he got lucky with "Sixth Sense" and blew it with "Signs."
How did he get "lucky" with The Sixth Sense? By making a good movie? Signs is incredible in my humble opinion, and I think Unbreakable is my favorite of the three. This guy is perfect so far, and I have no reason to doubt that The Village will also be spectacular.

The Village - Scott Hajek - 07-29-2004

jimbow8 Wrote:How did he get "lucky" with The Sixth Sense? By making a good movie? Signs is incredible in my humble opinion, and I think Unbreakable is my favorite of the three. This guy is perfect so far, and I have no reason to doubt that The Village will also be spectacular.


Signs: could've been better if they never showed the aliens.

Unbreakable: was great because of Samuel L. Jackson, the trademark surprise was expected.

Sixth Sense: good performances, true, but the story was ripped off from a comic book published long before. He got lucky because there were too many people out there that couldn't anticipate the ending and then told everyone else "you'll never guess the ending." Now there are too many books and movies that have "Sixth Sense" blurbs: "And just wait for the surprise ending" or "The ending is unexpected" or "It'll keep you guessing right up to the shocking ending."

The Village - Terry Willacker - 07-29-2004

Sixth Sense: terrific.

Signs: disappointing.

Unbreakable: Boring. Couldn't wait for it to be over.

The Village - DaveStrorm - 07-29-2004

I'm with Susan. I've been waiting on this for a while. Looks pretty creepy to me.

Signs scared the crap out of me a few times and I really enjoyed it. Probably my favorite M.N.S. movie to date. However, I do agree it would have been better not seeing the aliens at all.

I thought the Sixth Sense was good too. Unbreakable, although I enjoyed it, is my least favorite of the three.

The Village - Scott Hajek - 07-29-2004

Here's a good "He's Great" vs. "He's a Hack" article.

The Village - Annice Burdeos - 07-29-2004

Susan Wrote:I'm DYING to see this movie!! I hope to see if this weekend. Whoever sees it first, please post your comments (no spoilers, please) here.

CNN gave it a great review:

Susan (huge Shyamalan fan)

I have seen this and found it a bit wanting. The payoff is unexpected and will generate some philosophical discussion. The brooding atmosphere remains just that as the reason for what the inhabitants encounter is shaky at best and nonsensical at worst.

There will be those who find this to be among Night's best (better?) work
but there are deeper issues he wishes to explore than in his previous films.

For myself, his first endeavor created an aura about him that may be diminishing somewhat; in much the same way as What's Love Got To Do With It did with/for Angela Bassett. You know, a film that comes along and cerments your reputation forever and somehow no matter how hard you try, you just can't sustain the energy or momentum or whatever you wish to call it. Everything that comes after, fails to live up to expectations.

I do enjoy Hurt very much as well as Phoenix. I did find Hurt much better in A.I. than here and although Phoenix was one solid and very effective scene, he'll always be Commodus to me.

The Village - Biggles - 07-29-2004

Susan Wrote:I'm DYING to see this movie!! I hope to see if this weekend. Whoever sees it first, please post your comments (no spoilers, please) here.

CNN gave it a great review:

Susan (huge Shyamalan fan)

Here I thought this thread was about "The Prisoner". But seriously, I also really like this guy's movies, and I intend to see it ASAP.